I'm trying to implement Skeletal Animation on my engine, but I think I understood the problems wrong or i'm having problems with assimp. I'm using collada files for my project.
See, when i import a non-skinned mesh, it gets loaded properly and i can apply the different meshes local transform to the object and everything works fine. Even with hierarchical mesh structure in the file.
However, if the model has skinning data, with or without animations, the aiNode mTransformation is identity matrix for every mesh, giving me this weird result
Maybe i got skinning concepts wrong, but wasn't the model supposed to be the same, and the bone offset matrix convert vertex from local space to bone space only? Does it mean animations won't work in the end because the meshes are all messed up? I'm trying to learn how to get skeletal animation working from here http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial38/tutorial38.html and if i understood correctly, the mesh shouldn't be like the 2nd picture. I'm really confused right now.