So i began to write collision again, in order to calculate new velocity vector after collision i want to project a vel vector onto plane to get new velocity direction (and length) however i get something else (almost the same direction as initial vel vector but X times bigger length)
So after calcing collision point and collision normal i do:
pp->pos = nearest_col.new_pos;
vec3 slide_n = nearest_col.col_normal;
float slide_d = -dot(slide_n, nearest_col.col_point);
vec3 vprojected = ProjectVectorOnPlane(slide_n, slide_d, pp->vel);
pp->vel = vprojected;
template <class type> t3dpoint<type> ProjectVectorOnPlane(
t3dpoint<type> n, type d, t3dpoint<type> v)
float signed_dst = dot(n, v) + d;
return v - n*signed_dst;
INITIAL V: vec3(72.696#-93.9318#111.857) l: 163.156
SLIDE N: vec3(-0#1#-0) d: 320
new V: vec3(72.696#-320#111.857) l: 346.694
Now as far as i understand projected vector ahould have x and z components modified and y set to be 0 for this case
And i end up with infinite collision response cause its trying to move almost in the same direction looping forever
Now either project vonplane is wrong or i am missing something…