Hello I have a problem to make the object orient to face a position. To get the angle I'm using the code found in thug1 source code, But it seems to not work.
float AngleY(D3DXMATRIX& orient, D3DXVECTOR3& from, D3DXVECTOR3& to)
Vertex tempHeading = *(Vertex*)&(to - from);
if (!tempHeading.Length())
// If our rot axis is along Y, for example, the
// target heading is right above us... Can't pick
// a rotation!
return (0.0f);
// while we have these two vectors, find the angle between them...
float angCos = D3DXVec3Dot((D3DXVECTOR3*)&orient.m[Z], &tempHeading);
// Mick: contrain Dot product to range -1.0f to +1.0f, since FP innacuracies might
// make it go outside this range
// (previously this was done only on NGC. Not sure why it has started failing now
// but it seems logical that it would fail occasionally, so this check is necessary)
float ang = angCos;
if (ang > 1.0f) ang = 1.0f;
if (ang < -1.0f) ang = -1.0f;
float retVal = -acosf(ang);
Vertex temp = CrossProduct((Vertex*)&orient.m[Z], &tempHeading);
// check to see if the cross product is in the same quatrant as our rot axis...
// if so, gots to rotate the other way and shit like that...
int whichAxis;
float tempMax = temp.GetMaxAxis(&whichAxis);
if ((tempMax > 0) == (orient.m[Y][whichAxis] > 0))
return (-retVal);
return (retVal);
//update code:
if (timer >= end)//we should be at the linked location now
if (pos != goal)//if we are not at the right location make us be
D3DXVECTOR3 relPos = goal - pos;
sector->bboxMax += relPos;
sector->bboxMin += relPos;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < sector->numVertices; i++)
sector->vertices[i] += relPos;
pos += relPos;
update = true;//Now we will update vertexbuffer even if angle is not changed
//Get the array of links
CArray* links = link->GetArray(Checksums::Links);
if (!links)
_printf("MovingObject final destination\n");
return update;
//If 1 link use it, else pick a random one
if (link->GetNumItems() == 1)
link = Node::GetNodeStructByIndex((*links)[0]);
link = Node::GetNodeStructByIndex((*links)[Rnd(link->GetNumItems())]);//Pick a random path
if (!link)
_printf("Couldn't find link[%d]...\n", (*links)[0]);
return update;
//Get the position of the link
CStructHeader* _pos;
if (link->GetStruct(Checksums::Position, &_pos))
//update the goal target position
goal = *_pos->pVec;
//reset timer to zero
timer = 0;
//calculate distance between current position and target position
float distance = D3DXVec3Length(&(pos - goal));
//calculate end time
end = distance / speed;
//Calculate the angle needed to look at a position, taken from thug1src but for some reason not working?
D3DXVECTOR3 pathHeading = goal - pos;
goalAngle = D3DXVECTOR3(0, AngleY(orient, pos, goal), 0);
//if no angle we don't need to update
if (goalAngle.y)
//Use OrthoNormalizeAbout2 because other one was the games original normalize funciton which seems to be bugged?
sector->bboxMax = D3DXVECTOR3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
sector->bboxMin = D3DXVECTOR3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < sector->numVertices; i++)
sector->vertices[i] -= pos;
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(§or->vertices[i], §or->vertices[i], &orient);
sector->vertices[i] += pos;
if (bboxMax.x < sector->vertices[i].x)
bboxMax.x = sector->vertices[i].x;
if (bboxMin.x > sector->vertices[i].x)
bboxMin.x = sector->vertices[i].x;
if (bboxMax.y < sector->vertices[i].y)
bboxMax.y = sector->vertices[i].y;
if (bboxMin.y > sector->vertices[i].y)
bboxMin.y = sector->vertices[i].y;
if (bboxMax.z < sector->vertices[i].z)
bboxMax.z = sector->vertices[i].z;
if (bboxMin.z > sector->vertices[i].z)
bboxMin.z = sector->vertices[i].z;
sector->bboxMax = bboxMax;
sector->bboxMin = bboxMin;
angle = goalAngle;
return true;//send state to update vertexbuffer
//return the stored value since we might wanna update vertexbuffer if position was changed but not the angle
return update;
_printf("Couldn't find node -> position[%d]...\n", (*links)[0]);
return update;
direction = goal - pos;
D3DXVec3Normalize(&Velocity, &direction);
Velocity *= speed * delta;
if (Velocity)
sector->bboxMax += Velocity;
sector->bboxMin += Velocity;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < sector->numVertices; i++)
sector->vertices[i] += Velocity;
pos += Velocity;
return true;//send state to update vertexbuffer