Our engine has just reached version 1.0.0 and pack of features. Check out our showcases here:
Many benefits over the other engines:
(1) You and your coworkers can collect and build a repository of tools and raw media assets, (images, video, audio, 3d mesh, html fragments, css rules, javascript snippets, webassembly modules, etc.) in a central database.
(2) You and your coworkers can create reusable software objects, editors, or end applications by assembling from the above repository of components.
(3) Highly extensible. Anyone can create pack of molecules to add new features.
(4) Build to all major desktops and mobile platforms (Windows, MacOSX, Linux, Windows Mobile, iOS, and Android.)
Our introductory link https://www.otakhi.com/atomdrive
If you are interested, you can get a free test drive license on condition that you share any bug report and user experience in our forum.
Just to mention a few of our 3D features.
(1) Support Inverse and Forward Kinematic Bone Editing,
(2) Automatic Level-of-Details Management,
(3) Automatic Frustum Culling of Instanced Meshes,
(4) Skinned Instancing. (1500 Skeletal animated instances at one time with low end GPU.)
(5) Powerful particle system allowing for custom shader applied to each particle.
(6) point, spot, directional, and area light.
(7) Forward tiled shading technique allows 1000's point light in the scene at the same time.
(8) Volumetric effect for spot and area light. Volume shaping use material gel and texture projection.
and many many more.