
Game development for Windows with C or for Android with Java?

Started by June 23, 2020 02:13 PM
4 comments, last by Juliean 4 years, 3 months ago


We are a team planning to make a 2D RPG game. But still not sure about the platform to target.

As the main programmer, I have experience in C and Java.

We still hesitate to use C to make a PC (Windows) game, or Java to make an Android game.

Of course, as we want it to become our fulltime job, we want to earn money with it.

Taking this in consideration and the programming languages knowledges we have, do you advise us to go to PC or Android?

Thank you for your precious opinion!

If you really want to earn money in the end, both don't seem to be good choices!

C is quite old and complicated to write games in as games are (usually these days) a lot depending on OOP. C is lacking of these capability and even C++ is not a good choice if you want to start a business. You need to really have years of experience to get it done right especially memory management for a game and this is a time factor as I assume you don't have unlimiited money to run your business.

Android on th other hand is a very hard market to earn money and you also really need to know what you're doing. Marketing your App is more costly than developing it unless you have some of those one-hit wonders or heavy monetization model. If you can get Android for free along with your Windows release, do it or else stay away from it for your first shot.

From a business aspect, I recommend using Unity. C# makes it easier to debug your game in the end which is a huge benefit in time and money and you can publish on both, Windows and Android without the need to maintain two different build pipelines


When i've made a game for Android + iOS many years ago, i have used C++. The game also runs on Windows. OpenGL ES and Android NDK made this easy, and after making my own GUI the only platform dependent code where i used Java and Objective C was about starting up and processing input, so almost nothing. This also works with C ofc. Not sure how things have changed, and just technically speaking.

ItsOff said:


We are a team planning to make a 2D RPG game. But still not sure about the platform to target.

As the main programmer, I have experience in C and Java.

We still hesitate to use C to make a PC (Windows) game, or Java to make an Android game.

Of course, as we want it to become our fulltime job, we want to earn money with it.

Taking this in consideration and the programming languages knowledges we have, do you advise us to go to PC or Android?

Thank you for your precious opinion!

Use whatever you want. Programming languages are tools, and if you're alright using C on PC and Java for Android then go for it. Your end user doesn't care what language you used… Just as long as it works, and your game is enjoyable. In this day in age you can find an engine and work in one language then deploy to more than one platform.

PC vs Android will depend on your target market as games developed for PC are different than those made for mobile in terms of Game Design and monetization. You'll also need to have a fairly large budget for marketing either way.

Programmer and 3D Artist

Rutin said:
Use whatever you want. Programming languages are tools, and if you're alright using C on PC and Java for Android then go for it. Your end user doesn't care what language you used… Just as long as it works, and your game is enjoyable. In this day in age you can find an engine and work in one language then deploy to more than one platform.

What your users (and you yourself) do care about though is getting the actual game done in a timely manner. And in that regard, unfortunately, certain languages are bettern than others. As much as I love C++, I really wouldn't recommend it to ship a game as part of a buisness, unless you go for Unreal. Which you really should do if you want to make a profit. Pick Unreal, or Unity, doesn't matter, just don't invenst months of your time in developing the games base that you get out of the box with any of the big game engines; plus a lot of handy editor-tools that would take you so much time to get right that it doesn't pay off in any way.

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