King Mir said:
- We've been talking about this as a strategy game, and even I have been using strategy and tactics interchangeably, but technically everything in a game like this is not strategy but tactics. Not really a suggestion; I just can't help pointing this out.
- I think you could easily have 10 buttons at the bottom of the screen for different unit types, without cluttering the UI. So I don't think that's going to be a big problem for support units.
- We talked about having cavalry up front, and foot in the second row, but thinking on it, because knights tend to be wider, it may be better to have the foot in front, with knights reaching through them.
- My advice to Logende has been to focus on having a good RPS for a very specific reason: it automatically provides at least three additional tactics that a player can use that are balanced against each other. @merkutsam in your 2nd to last post you describe a lot of ways to make combat more complex, but none of this addresses a core problem: how to avoid having one true stategy? How do you make it so that different ways to play, that are effective? I think this is a more important goal than making combat more complex or last longer.
- I talked about this in discord, but one specific criteria to try to strive for is to have balanced choices that aren't “use this mechanic” or “don't use this mechanic”. The choice of “use this mechanic” or “don't use this mechanic” is a choice a player is going to make based on whether they like complexity. But a choice of playing 1 of 3 units will make the player try to choose the one that fits their desired play style. This specifically applies to real choices where there isn't an “one true strategy”. Not all choices are like this; you might have other choices where the more complex mechanic is better, like using siege, but then using siege becomes automatic in every game that has walls.
- I think the idea to have touch select the unit to be played when you have enough money for it is a good one. It makes the game more about the tactics rather than click-timing.
- Human testing has it's place, but ai testing has a huge advantage too: you can run a lot more tests. You can literally test every permutation of anything you can think to vary. So an approach to this might be to have humans play against each other to come up with strategies, then to write an ai that uses those strategies perfectly. The goal is that there will be several strategies that are balanced against each other to be equally effective. You can also test other goals.
- @logende You talked about how buildings are intended to split a combat into stages, and also how the grant the player a reprise when they are out of units on the field. I think these two goals make for somewhat different kinds of a game. Having "chapters" opens up a lot of possibilities for a long campaign, where the ai is relatively dumb, but has all these building buffs that they player doesn't. So you have a serial game, where they player tries to destroy a progressively more an more powerful castle (with unit power increasing too). On the other hand if the point of buildings is the second goal, it serves more like a “life”. It's sort of each player having 2 nukes that they can use any time to wipe the battlefield clean. But in this case the defenses are balanced between the two players, and it's beholden on you to make the ai equal to the player. Which do you want? I somewhat assumed by the apparent equality of sides in the trailer you showed that you want a balanced sides, but you can go either way.
- @logende You talk about how you want the player to buy defensive building upgrades that match the progressively more complex castles that each battle with the same tribe will have. The problem I think you run into with this is, because your castles are pretty far apart, the player would never intentionally allow combat to fall back to their own fortification. Unless that's a strategy you explicitly encourage (but then you again have a choice that's “use this mechanic” vs “don't use this mechanic”, which doesn't encourage different strategies). For this reason I don't like letting the player build defensive structures like walls.
- It sounds like you currently have two major player mechanics in the game: recruiting units, and building buildings. On discord we talked about a mechanic to power up mages that we ultimately rejected. I have also brought up the possibility of player cast “spells”. I think this is a major question you need to be to finalize too: this list of major mechanics. This is after all what your game is all about.
- Currently you say you have 5 buttons for units and 5 buttons for buildings. But your game is clearly more about units than buildings. So why are buildings so prominent?
- Thanks for pointing it out.
- Would be possible in principle if we should run out of space within the top UI panel
- This might also make sense from another perspective: as melee is the “low worth” unit and not part of the main 3 unit classes rps-system, it is logical to prefer sacrificing it over the other units
- -
- -
- I have an alternative idea which I will describe to you separately
- I agree
- A little bit of both is intended and wanted. Enemies in the game could have increasingly stronger buildings (they start a match directly with those buildings) and, additionally, the buildings increase the length of a single match, by serving as “lifes” (as you pointed out). One approach we considered was the following: Both, the player and the bot, start with some buildings, but those can be different. The player, for example, only starts with walls. In the beginning the player has low health values and over time he gets stronger ones. The enemy, on the other hand, can even start with offensive buildings, such as a cannon or ballista. Quick note regarding buildings: we are, basically, just playing around with them at this point to find out what works best and whether buildings make sense at all
- I, too, see issues with the buildings. Maybe they should just be added to the castle itself, instead of on the battleground. Possibly even as permanent castle upgrade, which is done outside of the actual match. Or as some kind of “special reinforcement” action. Possibly the new idea brings some new light into the building topic
- See my new idea
- See my new idea
merkutsam said:
@King Mir
Logende mentioned "Age of war" game as the base for his game. That game is actually very simple. It is a constant flow of increasingly difficult enemies. With turrets, timing and some game glitches the player can defend the castle and upgrade his units until he can destroy enemy castle. Of course with good music and graphics it has some charm.
When I first thought about Logende's game I was interested in his idea of arranging units in a formation. I let my imagination run wild because this could change the original gameplay which I don't find interesting. I was talking about strategy in this context, building a formation with different capabilities and maneuvering it in a changing environment instead of reacting to enemy spawns in a linear way. I'd like to move my formation at will, change it's behavior and composition, play defensively or offensively, use terrain...
Nevertheless, if he decides to keep the game close to the original, which I understand, then it's going to be a reaction game. I agree that more complex doesn't mean better, a game with different ways to win is better than a complex game with just one. If there is just one strategy to win there is no choice.
If there are three combat units with a RPS mechanic and they all defeat the weak melee unit then the game will be a reaction game spawning one type and changing it to another when it is advantageous. Probably the melee units will be used to gain time, but the player won't bother spawning them if he can destroy enemy units faster with the main units. So it won't be a game of choices either, because the player will react to enemy spawns with the logical counter units.
I agree about testing mechanics with human players to develop the gameplay. Humans will find what is fun, what works and how to counter different tactics.
I think it is important to be careful about the wording here: I named “Age of War”, because it is a game which shares some similarities with this game and if someone already knows “Age of War”, this comparison will make it easier for them to understand the main idea of this game (e.g. 2 players, both have a castle and recruit units, trying to defeat the enemy castle. Unit movement is, basically, in 1d).
I do not want to keep my game close to “Age of War”, instead I want it to be different and more fun. I think “Age of War" is very repetitive. Also, in general, I like your formation ideas, just not all those elements match with my vision of the game, which is, actually, a good thing, because it brings in some new perspectives and views. Regarding your “reaction type of game”: with the previously discussed game design it would, to some degree, be reaction-based and not too crazy interesting either.
Therefore, I have a new idea, which I describe to you in a separate message. I really like the general idea, therefore, if you see flaws in the idea, please describe them precisely.