
New Linux User and I need Help

Started by December 13, 2001 12:32 AM
8 comments, last by DoubleT 22 years, 9 months ago
I''ve been using Linux for about a month and a half now and am getting used to it and really liking it. I dual-boot with Win2K and I''m using Mandrake 8.0 for now. I''ve been programming for about four years now using C++ and now the language fairly well. What I need is some help though. Can anybody suggest any good HOWTO''s or tutorials or something that help in learning more on programming in Linux? Double T
OF COURSE! Go to and search for the Linux HOWTO''s and your set! (Mabye not, but just scour and scour, A grain of sand a day is a heap of sand in a decade.)

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---
The forum FAQs have just been updated and now contain useful links. You can find the link to it just under the forum name at the top of the page on the left.

In any case, the Linux Documentation Project is the definitive resource for all Linux-related documentation.

[ GDNet Start Here | GDNet FAQ | MS RTFM | STL | Google ]
Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

If you are already familiar with C/C++ also look into linux programming guide (lpg).

Hello from my world
I''ve got the linux programming bible. It may or may not be good for you. It describes the tools that you need, but its more of an ''introduction to programming for linux users'' than an ''introduction to linux for programmers''.
I'd say that if you are already familiar with programming in
C++, all you need to learn are the various libraries that are
available under Linux (and unlearn the "extensions" that were
used by your old environment).
Or learn a new language or two. bash and all of the little
command line tools are pretty powerful by themselves (a good
O'Reilly book, or the Linux Documentation Project mentioned
above should help you out there, or when in doubt, just type
"info"). You could also look into
Python, which is a very nice, lucid
If you're using Mandrake, be sure that you installed the "devel"
RPMs for everything you can. Learn to use "man", "man -k" and
"info". Also check out the /usr/share/doc directory. They
might be a little daunting at first considering all of the
available options, but when you start narrowing down what you
want to do, they'll be valuable sources of information.

What specifically are you wanting to learn? Do you want to do
GUI interfaces (try Gtk+. General
game stuff (SDL or SVGAlib ("man
svgalib"))? 3d (check Mesa - software
only OpenGL like API
, SGIs
OpenGL site
, or Nehe's tutorials at this site)?

It's all in deciding what you want to do, and learning the tools
for that task. There's a lot of stuff out there, so if
you keep your focus fairly narrow in the beginning, learning it
will be a little less daunting.

Give us liberty, or give us death!

Edited by - pwd on December 13, 2001 8:56:18 AM
Go to the /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs and /usr/doc/Linux-mini-HOWTOs directories. While not all of the HOWTOs/mini-HOWTOs pertain to programming, many do. Trust me, these two dirs are awesome

rm -rf /bin/laden
Don''t forget the all powerful Man Pages.

You can pull up info (usually some linux specific notes as well) by doing a simple "man ".

Well, thanks everybody so far. I''ve found a lot of interesting reading material already. I''ve been reading now for about four hours straight and there''s many things that are starting to fall into place.

Double T
quote: Original post by DoubleT
I''ve been using Linux for about a month and a half now and am getting used to it and really liking it. I dual-boot with Win2K and I''m using Mandrake 8.0 for now.

I''ve been programming for about four years now using C++ and now the language fairly well.

What I need is some help though. Can anybody suggest any good HOWTO''s or tutorials or something that help in learning more on programming in Linux?

Double T

If you know how to program in standard C( that would be the equivalent of programming in C for DOS ), you shouldn''t have any problems coding C/C++ for Linux, it''s pretty much the same...

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