
Humor Limitation?

Started by June 02, 2020 05:27 AM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 4 months ago

Hi everyone, im new to game development. I have no background on programing or anything related to game development.. I love playing games and i wanted to make games.

Im currently working on a game and planing to publish it on

The genre is Comedy and i was wondering is there any articles or general/international rules about Humor limitation? ive seen alot of tutorials, forums, etc. But i never seen any topics regarding about Humor Limitation. My game has some dark humor and sarcastic jokes about politics.

The main concern why i ask about this, i dont want any problem with goverment, any law enforcement or anything that could lead me to serious charges.

Thank you and i hope you stay well and Stay safe during this Covid-19.

Sorry for my bad English.. English is not my main languange…

markingace said:
But i never seen any topics regarding about Humor Limitation. My game has some dark humor and sarcastic jokes about politics. The main concern why i ask about this, i dont want any problem with goverment, any law enforcement or anything that could lead me to serious charges.

What you're asking is not a question of limitations on humor so much as a question of limitations on free speech. Different countries have different limitations on the freedom of speech. China, for example, will shut you down real fast if you say/write anything critical of the Chinese government. Uganda has a law against homosexuality. In many countries, it's illegal to shout “Fire!" in a crowded place like a theater. Read up on the life stories of Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, American comedians who ran afoul of laws.

And there are also extralegal implications on some types of speech. Say or write something that crazies on 4chan or Reddit don't like, and they'll doxx you and force you to find a safe hiding place (read up on GamerGate). You can receive death threats for a lot of things that are legal to say.

You need to look closer to home - make sure you know what your country's laws are regarding free speech limitations.

-- Tom Sloper --

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