
vfat permissions

Started by December 12, 2001 09:46 PM
3 comments, last by Floppy 22 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I have mounted my windows (vfat) partition to my /mnt/win in Linux. I have no problems reading, writing, or executing as root, but when I go to a group user; I can''t write to my Windows partition, but I can read and execute. I tried settingthe appropriate permissions as the superuser (root) in Konquereor, but it wouldn''t do anything so I went to the konsole and tried chmod, but it gave me a can''t perform operation type of message. This is really annoying, if I want to write to my windows partition I have to log in as root. Is there an option I can change in /etc/fstab? Here is my line from my /etc/fstab that concerns my Windows partition: /dev/hda1 /mnt/win vfat defaults 0 0 Any help would be greatly appreciate, thanks!
Try adding the parameter 'uid=501', replacing 501 with whatever UID your non-root user is. I'm sure there's a better way, but this should work.

Edit: You also might want to add 'umask=000'.

Edited by - Martee on December 12, 2001 10:56:48 PM
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
I think I figured it out what I wanted at this website:

I'll replay back in less than 15 minutes about whether or not it worked (assuming this doesn't crash my system )

EDIT: THANKS, person above me, I didn't realize you posted till I posted, but you are right it seems; according to that website.

Edited by - Floppy on December 12, 2001 10:58:16 PM

It worked!!

ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers

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