Hi, I am currently developing my own flight physics which I have done quite a few times using different methods (and basically because i love programming aerodynamics). However, this comes up a lot and every time I research around to try and find the best answer but its difficult because not all aviation experts are programmers and so either I or they find it difficult to translate.
My question / issue is the following - I currently have a well working flight simulator, but I am controlling the plane (ailerons, elevator ETC) using “deflection” only. So I am using another “airfoil” which pivots and creates enough lift positive or negative to create inertia on the rigid model.
But, in a bid to make it more real, I am sampling and applying lift/drag at many points across the main wings and in real life, the ailerons effect the overall lift on the wings (mainly at the section of wing where the aileron sits). If i apply this theory into my simulator, therefore making it so ailerons change the actual lift on the wing (by multiplying the force or changing the Cl), it works fine whilst I have a positive AOA, but if I say nose dive, the AOA goes negative and therefore the lift force goes negative so the “roll” that was happening suddenly changes direction.
So my question is, in “programming” terms or where there is a coordinate system, does the lift force go negative with negative AOA or does the lift force remain positive but the lift direction go negative?
Discussion around the net seem torn with if there is such thing as “negative” lift. It seems to depend on how people perceive it, as wings in real life don't know if they are inverted or not.
Any help would be appreciated.