After almost 3 years of working on this in my spare time, Angle Wars will be released on Steam soon. (here it is if you want to see it: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1292610/Angle_Wars/ ). This is my first full-size project, an attempt to recapture the fun I had as a kid playing Battle Ground (DOS 1986, if anyone is old enough to remember that) with my dad and brother. It's a top-down WW2 tactical game, where you select a soldier and input the angle you want him to shoot. Translating the original gameplay into 3D has been challenging.

My release date is set for August, which gives me time to build a few more maps, and play-test it as thoroughly as possible. I'd appreciate any thoughts or comments, especially from anyone who remembers playing Battle Ground :D.
Also, if anyone has any tips for as smooth a Steam release as possible, I'd love to hear them!