
[RevShare] Producer/ Project Manager (m/w/d)

Started by April 01, 2020 09:03 AM
2 comments, last by Shaarigan 4 years, 6 months ago

Hello reader,

my name is Bastian, passionate game designer, board game author and over 7 years in the games industry as a professional game developer. My interests besides the day-to-day in a AAA game studio have always been to create my own game worlds with rich environment and backround history but also diving into the secrets of the mysteries behind those famous game engines that drive the best games of all time and turn anything together into a non-profit project. To reach this goal, I'm looking for a

Producer / Project manager (m/w/d)

You are looking for a challenge, to work with motivated professionals and semi professionals of the games industry and video games are you passion? Sure you are, otherwise you weren't here at all I guess! As a producer you like to lead the teams in the right direction, outline, schedule and track tasks in close collaboration with the team leads and POs and always keep your ears open for the needs of the team but also it's individuals. Your eagle eyes don't miss a chance to get talented engineers, designers and artists into the project when needed. Then you are at the right place to take the responsability to manage this project.

The Project

As realdy talked about in the intro, is related to one of the dreams of my childhood that shaped and transformed over past 20 years from my own ideas but also cultural influences like the Lord of the Rings movies in 2001, World of Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls or SAO and Star Citizen. We are planning to make a VR game that should be present for at least as long as WoW was and even further, in a totally new way to develop games, highly modular and designed for steady improvement, evolution and use of the state-of-the-art VR technology that already exist and will be invented in the next couple of years. All design of the game will have just one goal, to maximize immersion and make playing this game an experience our players will enjoy and never forget. And finally as we will anyways need the technology, I decided to make anything open source and provide an SDK to interested developers to provide a foundation to bring their own worlds to other players.

So what are we doing now?

This is a short answer: Developing the technology to make this come true and finally creating an infinit network of worlds and stories a player will be able to seamless travel through. thanks to the support of the Blockchain technology.


This is a passion, not just a job and so I don't expect this to generate lots of income. But everybody will get a fair share based on a scoring that measures the amount and quality of contribution from our cash plan. Anyways, I want to share anything with all participants as long as my personal costs for Server, Taxes and so on are payed. I hope you'll understand that.


Anything will be publisched under the AGPLv3 license to offer fairnes and transparency to contributors and donators.

Your Role

  • Take care of the project, the teams and every individual during all phases
  • Keep the moivation up and the issues down
  • Collect, schedule and distribute the workload to every team's PO
  • Keep track of each individuals progress for the process of granting shares
  • Keeping the project's documentation clean and accessable
  • Lead the recruitment process of expanding the team and also manage onboarding new team members


  • Be able to work remotely for at least 5 hours per week (flexible schedule, life takes precedence)
  • Moderate response time on Discord out of your working hours at this project
  • A verified Discord Account (as this is the preferred communication channel)
  • (Be at Timezone GMT +2 or similar if that matters to you)

Your Skills

  • Passionate gamer and developer for a recent time
  • Experience in the games industry and/or high motivation to fill the role as producer
  • Strong communication skills and a spider sense for blocking issues in your face-to-face communication
  • Good knowledge of the English language

Considered a Plus

  • Knowledge of the German language
  • Technical affinity

Finally, I can' say anymore than thank you for taking the time to read my full post and hopefully you think about getting into this. Let me know if you have any questions and/ or are interested to join either via PM, reaching out to me on Discord or join our freshly created Discord Server (please note, no personal communication in public channels, I highly set on data protection). Please leave a short introduction including a few words of what have you already done (or are planning to do) so I know who I'm facing.

I'm looking forward to your contact!


Please reduce discussions in this thread to the required minimum to keep information clear for everyone. Thanks!

Due to some circumstances, the position is open again and our team aiagn is in need for a Project Manager/ Producer. Feel free to message me via PM or visit our Discord-Server



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