The older generations I believe are more into cannon than younger generations, in time the younger generation will catch on. When you watch a series for 5 to 10 years, and the new series just shreds the old series, and gets key facts wrong. Rewrites what happened, you end up sitting their going well what is the truth? Because the original star trek to enterprise, 5 series and a dozen movies the line of cannon was followed. The latest movies crapped on that, discovery made its own time line separate of the reboot movies and original cannon. As a fan its disgusting, like Stillwater was referencing, someone gave an undeserving and unknowledgeable person the keys to a franchise, that they had no business with. Your looking at around 400 episodes plus, and a dozen or so movies and 5 decades of work flushed down the toilet, by a novice that didn't bother watching all previous shows and movies. Star wars is no different… they believe it is a sand box game were they make whatever and that it has no consequence. When you sign up to make a movie or game, it should as accurately as possible depict the subject matter your dealing with.
They absolutely give projects to unqualified and untalented people because of relations. A new galaxy sounds insane on face value… people are like.. Your competing with George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry!!! Which 30 years ago… yes… today they are Paramount and Disney… which is proven that they are unable to make content that doesn't contradict itself. They are unable to make a story that as an example have secret armadas of 10,000 star destroyers, with a previously dead character coming back.(requires 250 million soldiers to man that fleet, with around 1 million pilots) the level of fuel needed would be mind blowing. The story line isn't even coherent or remotely plausible. They have secret unknown super enemy appears, because they destroyed all the pieces to a good story already, with nothing left to kill, they needed to add more enemies. The worst part is by episode 9 both sides were so depleted they had no remaining pieces to play with. The ewoks had a larger standing army than both sides.
A council or group has a chance, because one the group will have seen other companies disasters to learn from, understanding that to remain profitable, effecting them personally on a financial level, requires a strict adherence to cannon. You cant write a book as an example where halfway through you change everything(unless a book on dimensia and senility), the viewers simply wouldn't go for that. The syfy appeal is what is a possible future outcome, what would it mean to live in that future, can you place yourself in that future and get a sense of what it is to live in that future. What you see is graphics and CGI.. But a weak to non existent story.
Having a decent size group to go through, the word no, will be heard… some dislike this word, I believe it isn't the worst thing in the world for people to disagree, unless its disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. Which if your in a group, and hate the groups ideas… why are you part of that group? The group can expel members, likely a ⅔ vote or more. The idea behind the group is bring in people from all kinds of back grounds, an example a person with a medical back ground, not a normal game developer pick, but could explain things on a medical levels that most people would not know, infusing a level of realism and depth to stories that are currently lacking. An example in star wars latest trilogy, the new characters never opened up, rey never had moments laughing about a scavenging experience, finn never talked about what being a storm trooper is like, if they have jokes or senses of humor. Or crazy parties at the barracks. Poe never talked about his rise to squadron leader. They did a poor job creating connections to the characters, take han in episode 4, their life existed before the movie, they told you about their smuggling mission going bad, and being hunted, how they worked for Jabba, how they need money, he has his ship and chewie, which is their home. You had Luke hearing from Obione stories about his father. You had his aunt and uncle talk about it, talking about joining. The only reason Luke was able to join is they were murdered. The new movies had no dewph..
Eventually someone will join making this project snowball fast. The idea that your going to make a stable franchise that wont allow itself to be trashed is a big deal.