I am in need of a landscape and character artist for an rpg my team and I are working on. The game itself is inspired by Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts. It is an open world rpg focused on tactical combat, timing, and story. It also consists of atom-punk mixed with modern and older styles of architectures as the games main art styles. Also, the main kinds of art that would be needed would be a few enemy pieces, a few weapons, and a few landscapes (a few entails 2-3 so I don't say a “few” and I really mean 7-8 or something unreasonable to try and trick you, which I won't). Mostly those landscapes would be cities with one being a normal landscape (still a specific area though). UI and basic combat and gameplay have begun development. We already have story, programming, some art and some models in the works and need an artist to help fill in the gaps. The team currently consists of myself and eight other people and we can't wait to get along further in the project. If additional information is required, please give this a reply asking for an email.
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