
Easiest GUI for Linux?

Started by December 12, 2001 12:22 AM
9 comments, last by subnet_rx 22 years, 9 months ago
Could someone point me in the direction of a an easy GUI library for Linux, or what you prefer. I''m new to C++ and even newer to using libraries, but I got to break myself in on something. subnet_rx
"There are two types of languages, those that everyone complains about, and those that no one uses."Standardized C++ LibrariesGamecron PC GamingA Christian Blog
The two most common are GTK+ and Qt. GTK+ is object oriented C, but there''s a C++ wrapper (previously) called GTK-- for GTK+ in C++.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
I kind of like Gtk+ myself, or
Python and Tkinter when it is
an option (although it's an entirely different language, it's
really easy to learn and read).
Both are relatively easy to learn, and can be extended with SDL
and OpenGL if their canvas widgets are not enough. It might be
a little more difficult to integrate Python into your
work if you're wanting to stick with C/C++, and it will
generally be a lot slower (although most of the time spent in
GUIs is waiting for user input anyways).

Give us liberty, or give us death!

Edited by - pwd on December 12, 2001 8:22:09 AM
thanks, exactly what I needed to know. Why would they created a C++ wrapper? Is it hard to use C libraries?

"There are two types of languages, those that everyone complains about, and those that no one uses."Standardized C++ LibrariesGamecron PC GamingA Christian Blog
Well, basically it''s about the language you prefer. Some people say that C++ is better than C with GUI stuff, but it''s up to you.

Yes, this is a very witty signature.
-----------------------------Yes, this is a very witty signature.
Of course, there''re really contless GUI toolkits for *nix, but GTK+ and Qt are the two main ones, GTK probably having more apps (though I doubt there''s really any way to prove this )

rm -rf /bin/laden
You can also check out wxWindows ( They''re a cross platform API that uses the native GUI of the platform you develop on. They seem to be pretty together and they also seem to have almost all of the functionality covered in a wrapper.

I haven''t used them myself, so don''t flame me if I''m wrong.


ncurses all the way!

really, if i was doing gui programming id be using qt/kde without a second thought. gtk/gnome is just plain messy and politics has too strong of an influence on what happens... welcome to gnu

kde/qt people are focusing on creating a kickass, high quality environment, with heavy emphasis on the app developers. cant say that about gnu -- it seems they are out simply to control the open source world. sound familiar?

I''ve found the FOX GUI toolkit to be quite good. It''s portable to both UNIX/X11 platforms, and Win32. It''s fairly easy to use, but you should know a bit of C++ before you attempt to do anything serious with it. It''s released under the LGPL, and is currently being worked on very frequently. It''s fairly mature, and stable, so it doesn''t appear that there will be any major and annoying API changes. The primary author of the toolkit also responds to nearly every question posted on the FOX users'' mailing list, and can offer very valuable insight when it comes to using the library.

quote: Original post by Saai
ncurses all the way!

really, if i was doing gui programming id be using qt/kde without a second thought. gtk/gnome is just plain messy and politics has too strong of an influence on what happens... welcome to gnu

kde/qt people are focusing on creating a kickass, high quality environment, with heavy emphasis on the app developers. cant say that about gnu -- it seems they are out simply to control the open source world. sound familiar?


GNU only does free software and, as such, cares more about the freedom of the end user than about the quality of the software, like the Open Source. It doesn''t mean than GNU does crappy software, only than they value freedom of use over it. Think about it the next you time use Emacs, GCC, and about all the libraries and software you''re using everyday on linux: GNU made them. If you think than GTK is bad, you''re free to submit a patch.

Now I agree than GTK is messy, I just wanted to remind you than GNU can''t make everything perfect.

--- back to the original topic ---

If you like C and don''t mind some ugly OO C, go for GTK. If you like C++, go for Qt or GTK--. AFAIK, they''re all LGPL anyway. So it''s really a matter of preference.

FLTK and FOX are my favorites, personnaly, but not as supported as Qt and GTK. However, I find them both reliable, well designed, easy and not bundled with "features" that make Qt and GTK so big.

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