A while ago I got this strange idea which could be used for some games... but I don''t know WHICH games :D
Idea would be that the game creates LOG files of what''s happening, and the player could send this LOG files for some server site, where other players could download it... The idea would be that it could be AI-log that is trying to learn, or maybe it might be LOG file of singleplayer MUD:
Player is playing, game logs moves and so on. Then player sends this log file for WORLD server, and other can download it. Then, when you are playing it with this ADD-ON, your game contains same places that other player had / created / modified, and you can see same persons that other player saw. When day 16 comes, and sun rises, Goblins come out from caves and destroy village, and player just ignores this (even after he sees what''s going on). A week later, in REALTIME, someone downloads this add-on pack for hi''s computer, and playes same situtation. He actually might see how this another player ran away, but he can affect for the result of battle.
This might sound very weird, but think about it. You would be able to expand your game, and after 10 different players played same scenario, the world becomes really complicated, even after the first game was simple

More about this idea:
Lord British is little thief, actually really annoying one. Somehow, he manages to assassin the King, and make himself a King during day 120. After that he started to plunder people, and conquer other worlds (and he lives LONG and becomes REALLY WEALTHY). Couple of REALTIME days later, this player sends this log file for a WORLD -server, and other player downloads this log. He might start from day 80.
First he sees this thief killing someone and running away, then he continues the game, but wonders who was this thief. After 40 days, Towns start yelling "Someone killed the king !" and player goes to main city, and sees how this old player becomes a King. But this player doesn''t like the idea, because some non-player-character would like to pay a BIG PRICE for the head of the old player

And now this player kills this thief, and people are happy again

Little weird, uh ? Reminds me about some movies, like Jackie Brown, and Waynes World, because in Jackie Brown, director showed the movie from many different viewpoints, and in Waynes World, they have bad ending, and guys start shouting "HEY HEY ! This is not fun

", and they replay the ending with different way couple of times.
Uh, try to read this message SLOWLY again, and you might understand what I''m trying to say !