
What game would you like to create ? :)

Started by January 26, 2000 09:28 AM
20 comments, last by Paladin 25 years, 1 month ago
Well, I want to be the guy who creates the next tetris. You know, a game you create in an afternoon, but is almost infinately addicting. Then the money will start coming... MUHAHAHAHA

Honestely, though, I think there is a huge market for very simple games that can easily be ported to platforms like the Gameboy. A lot of games that are really technologically simple are the ones that become really popular. If you need proof, look at Pokemon!

Which reminds that I also wish I had though up Pokemon. Yeesh, I would never have to work again if I though up that!

This is an idea that's probably been done, but I think that a "hackers" game would be sweet. You know, something where you could hack into the Pentagon and not get drug out of your house by the FBI. It would have to be more than a simple simulation though, something that also had characters you could interact with and something that would be challenging to experienced computer users, not just simple puzzles.

Edited by - I-Shaolin on 1/28/00 5:20:22 PM
Hehee, I have been thinking that kind of game before ! It has REALLY unique idea, and it might be really fun to create

Also I have been thinking about game, where the player would be thief, and he''s mission is to start terrorising big city, by starting thiefing usual houses, and later on get REAL treasures and so on. Game would work with engine similar to Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, and it would use random generator to create this homes. It would include idea about moving silently and hiding into shadows from THIEF: The Dark Project ... Might be kind of interesting game And to add some puzzle, player should use different tools to manipulate alarms (mirror to laser check etc.), and so on. Would be kind a cool !


Well, recently I had this a bit strange idea for a surivival-building-strategy-exploration-roleplaying-game...sounds supid? Well, I think it does not. The game should be as follows:
You run around in a, maybe even randomly generated, landscape, pretty similar to old RPGs such as Ultima 6. There is no real goal in the game, or maybe there is a campaign mode, but endless play should be available. However, you run around in this environment, which should be a not very technicalized (?), maybe even jungle-like place with a few citys or villages in it, a lot of animals you can hunt and eat or make things out of (leather...) etc., the environment should be really huge and there should be a lot to explore. You can fight against creatures, maybe even gain experience like in an RPG, and you can combine things and build new things, like in Robinsons Requiem or Deus, let''s say, for a simple example, you can build a tent out of leaves (or leather), wood, rope and a an axe or something like this, to use a simple example. And you can also make people join you, again a bit like in an RPG, only that really MANY people can join you, let''s say up to 40 or so...and with this people, you can combine things even better, and build things even faster and even greater than you could alone, like in a RTS, only that you don''t get more people and resources by time, but you have to find them yourself... Let''s say you want to build a hut, then this will take you forever alone, but with more people, this would be far easier...and you can also tell the other people who follow you what to do, like for instance collecting wood or something. But if you want to go discovering or on a quest or whatever, you can leave your people in your village, which you can build with the help of them, and pick 4 or 5 of them to follow you. So what you do in this game is running around like in an RPG, trying to survive by building things, hiring other people, so you can build more and bigger things (maybe there are missions, where you have to build a little village or something...), from an arrow out of wood and feathers, to a catapult, fighting things alone or with your "people" and exploring the environment and interacting with other NPCs. Well, this is just a bit of what I have thought about, but here is not enough place to write it all down...

I know, however, that implementing this idea into a game would be quite difficult and maybe even unrealistic, but I think such a game would be very interesting...
--------------------------Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
I think one of the ultimate games (yet to be made?) would be an incredibly detailed virtual war. This would be a 3d type game that would have to support huge open areas and would allow people to be in a plane, tank, other misc. vehicles, or just a plain old grunt. Add in some real physics where you can interact with objects (move, destroy, create, etc). This is probably not very realistic at the moment because it would take a tremendously fast computer to keep up with everything going on.

My other idea is what I''m sorta working on at the moment. You take on the role of a mercenary in a 2d isometric tile game in which you can pick and choose jobs offered to you. As your notoriety increases, you get higher paying jobs, but you also make more enemies. I''m thinking of adding some type of system where other people will send hit squads after you if you get on their bad side. It will be a combat system similar to Jagged Alliance accompanied by RPGish elements (developing your character, upgrading equipment, etc). I have some really interesting ideas on this one. Whether it ever materializes into a game is still to be determined

Go here and check it out:


Could be available

Edited by - Roca on 1/29/00 11:51:19 PM
Could be available
For Roderick:

Just to remind, we already have this kind of games, and we are more of this all the time !

Good examples are Ultima Online, Ultima Online 2, and most of the MUD''s.

Hehe...good point. But first, I''m talking about a singleplayer game (I''m not a big fan of multiplayer RPGs...), and second an online RPG is not exactly what I''ve been talking about, but I have to admit that I explained my idea a bit foggy, which is no miracle, since it wasn''t thought out very well (it was one those "Hey, wouldn''t it be cool if..." ideas you get playing other games, reading books or watching a movie). Interesting, though, that now, that I think of it, the idea indeed does resemble an online-RPG, an idea I never had before.
--------------------------Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
A while ago I got this strange idea which could be used for some games... but I don''t know WHICH games :D

Idea would be that the game creates LOG files of what''s happening, and the player could send this LOG files for some server site, where other players could download it... The idea would be that it could be AI-log that is trying to learn, or maybe it might be LOG file of singleplayer MUD:
Player is playing, game logs moves and so on. Then player sends this log file for WORLD server, and other can download it. Then, when you are playing it with this ADD-ON, your game contains same places that other player had / created / modified, and you can see same persons that other player saw. When day 16 comes, and sun rises, Goblins come out from caves and destroy village, and player just ignores this (even after he sees what''s going on). A week later, in REALTIME, someone downloads this add-on pack for hi''s computer, and playes same situtation. He actually might see how this another player ran away, but he can affect for the result of battle.

This might sound very weird, but think about it. You would be able to expand your game, and after 10 different players played same scenario, the world becomes really complicated, even after the first game was simple

More about this idea:
Lord British is little thief, actually really annoying one. Somehow, he manages to assassin the King, and make himself a King during day 120. After that he started to plunder people, and conquer other worlds (and he lives LONG and becomes REALLY WEALTHY). Couple of REALTIME days later, this player sends this log file for a WORLD -server, and other player downloads this log. He might start from day 80.
First he sees this thief killing someone and running away, then he continues the game, but wonders who was this thief. After 40 days, Towns start yelling "Someone killed the king !" and player goes to main city, and sees how this old player becomes a King. But this player doesn''t like the idea, because some non-player-character would like to pay a BIG PRICE for the head of the old player
And now this player kills this thief, and people are happy again

Little weird, uh ? Reminds me about some movies, like Jackie Brown, and Waynes World, because in Jackie Brown, director showed the movie from many different viewpoints, and in Waynes World, they have bad ending, and guys start shouting "HEY HEY ! This is not fun ", and they replay the ending with different way couple of times.

Uh, try to read this message SLOWLY again, and you might understand what I''m trying to say !

I have been talking to a friend about a Sim game we are calling "RockStar" -- you have to start a band, practice, record an album, go on tour, and try to keep the band together. Its main inspiration has been the Behind The Music shows on VH1 -- I just thought it would be funny. There would be groupies, drugs, and band fights to deal with -- record company execs ripping you off, plane/bus crashes.


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