A few months ago a friend proposed me to work in a MOBA like game, with some interesting and original ideas. Yet, we greatly overstimated the capability of cuban government institutions to cooperate with private developers: they just can offer to keep the project and the profit for themselves and pay us an average salary. So, my friend decided to go for Kickstarter, but I think that is not a good idead. For start, I dont think that a MOBA project is going to have too much success in Kickstarter, why to pay for something that is going to be mostly free, anyway? How to reward donnors? Also, I have no idea how much takes making a MOBA profitable, but guess it is not going to be less than a year, meanwhile, a lot of money has to be spent in infraestructure. Profitability would require implementing some sort of store, which brings new issues like transaction security.
What do you think about this?