
How do you get downloads for your first games as an indie game developer?

Started by December 30, 2019 01:36 PM
4 comments, last by frob 5 years, 2 months ago

I just finished my first game called "Stacks" but I don't know how to get people to download and review my game. How can a small developer get reviews/ feedback on their game? I just published my game to google play and it doesnt even show up if you search it. Any advice?

This is my game btw:

appreciate Feedback <3

I downloaded you game. It's pretty cool. Try running Facebook ads for it. Lately mobile has become real tough, but your game suits it perfectly, so I think it should do well. I found mobile to be very hard, but that's due to the type of game I made and tried to market (FPS). Since I released on desktop/Steam my reviews have been much better. Cool game. Makes me want to come up with a new mobile game myself.


Oh, with regards to searchability, stacks is a very short tail keyword, so this is expected. If you add another word to it like "Something Stacks", that'll fix it.

Thx for your reply, I'm glad you like my game. I don't know if I should spend more money for this game to do well cause it's my first and it's not the greatest game ever. Your right about the rearchability so I'm thinking about another name. Also good luck with your games, I hope you'll have much succes.

RDP said:
I don't know how to get people to download and review my game.

That's done through marketing. Generally it is something people pay for. If you're lucky people will talk about the game, giving you (mostly free) viral marketing.

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