

Started by December 10, 2001 09:56 PM
34 comments, last by pwd 22 years, 9 months ago
Something has gone terribly wrong here tonight. Godfree^ has gone mad tonight, and the madness has twisted his board. He has invoked ancient names of power and practiced dark magics in the lounge, and the lounge has consumed this board. Are there enough people that actually care? So far I''ve merely seen two interested parties in rescuing the board from nessy, CmmdrM and myself. This board could be something, perhaps a more active moderator could drum up some more activity... But... If nobody cares, perhaps it is best to put this board out of its misery before things get worse. So which is it? Give us liberty, or give us death!
I'd readily volunteer to be moderator, except I don't know much about linux so it wouldn't be that good...
Of course, if who ever get moderator doesn't know anything about linux anyway, sign me up!

let me refraise that, i don't know much about linux programming. I can install and use linux with the greatest of ease (okay, some old distros aren't that easy to install.. but I can still get it working) so I do know stuff bout linux, just not that programming side.

Edited by - drakonite on December 10, 2001 11:15:22 PM
Shoot Pixels Not People
Alright keep the crap here. I just closed the last post

*nes8bit''s hands are glowing with RED energy*

quote: Original post by nes8bit

*nes8bit''s hands are glowing with RED energy*

Woaa! You can really go that many times in a row?

Closed it whilst I was typing my reply of the year

Now Im damned to be remembered as the guy who couldnt type fast enough to beat nes8bit''s thread closing
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
Yeah AND i was away from the computer also

Oh the shame, the same of it all
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
Ok. Sorry about the misunderstanding Rhino. You may be a tech person but that does not mean you cannot use windows. It just means you could use linux. You could handle the challenge.

If you are not a tech type (aka geek) then linux is not for you. You will not find your experience plesant. That is all I am trying to say.

Linux is like, perfect for programmers. At lest that is my opinion. Did not mean to offend any one.

Oh and me for moderator, because rhino hates me.

*I lower my head and prepare for the heat*

It is foolish for a wise man to be silent, but wise for a fool.


All your Xbox base are belong to Microsoft.

Edited by - TheRealMAN11 on December 10, 2001 11:32:09 PM
It is foolish for a wise man to be silent, but wise for a fool.
quote: Original post by TheRealMAN11
Ok. Sorry about the misunderstanding Rhino. You may be a tech person but that does not mean you cannot use windows. It just means you could use linux. You could handle the challenge.

If you are not a tech type (aka geek) then linux is not for you. You will not find your experience plesant. That is all I am trying to say.

Linux is like, perfect for programmers. At lest that is my opinion. Did not mean to offend any one.

Heh my post that couldnt get posted because of the thread being closed was RE that.

IMO WinNT is perfect for programmers, IYO (in your oppinion) Linux is.

Im not writing linux drivers for a non-standard piece of hardware (my DVB recevier for IP over DVB) that will be obsolete in a bit over a month (ISP is closing its broadband service). I have absolutely no information on how the card works neither. It wouldnt be as easy as it was in the movie ''Independance Day'' where they interfaced a MAC with an alien computer and uploaded a virus (that worked!) first go.

Im not a linux freak, I use the OS that does what I want it to do, as should everyone else. If Linux does all that you want it to do, then by all means use it, but for me, it doesnt do what I want it to do so I use what does. Saying that people with different oppinions to your own arent tech peoples or arent smart etc is plain stupid.
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
quote: Original post by TheRealMAN11

Linux is like, perfect for programmers. At lest that is my opinion. Did not mean to offend any one.

LOL. I''ve heard the same said for Be. It boils down to what you''re comfortable with. Some people will like the range of options of Vi, others will like the simplicity of notepad.

Oh and me for moderator, because rhino hates me.

I hope that''s not the only reason. I don''t want to see nessy running this board ever again

(hmm. Guess I should finally stop resisting nes8bit after this is all over)

Give us liberty, or give us death!

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