I am also confused. Some of the functions are OpenGL 1 or 2, it seems, in which case i can't help anyway.
OpenGL knows a viewport (a rectangle in screen pixels) via glViewport( x,y,sizex,sizey ) or you can glGetIntegerv() with the parameter GL_VIEWPORT the current viewport. Aside from that, it has a view matrix to transform vertices from world to view space. Both concepts, the view matrix and the viewport, are very distinct from each other.
The view matrix is not retrieved with a call to opengl, but set by the programmer, e.g. with a lookat-matrix, for example glm::lookat( from, direction, up ) or any other linear algebra home brew.
Maybe it would help if we knew what @Cacks wants to achieve ? Is it about resizing the window ? This is usually done with a callback function from the windowing api, the callback delivers the new size on change. The viewport must then be set to the new values (and framebuffers resized in modern versions) but the view matrix usually stays untouched in these cases as camera position and direction don't change.
But maybe i simply haven't understood ... it so happens far too often ... ?