* The header is annoying because it has no reason to follow the reader on such a short page. Just feels like my screen became smaller, which is especially bad when zooming in on an image using a phone. The black fade below the top is too long, making it hard to focus on the content.
* Dawn unto dusk has the right color theme on the background with a single hue, but the text has a red letter causing a bad 120 degree color combination between red and green. Hue should be matched in angles of 90 or 180 degrees if you use multiple colors. The title also doesn't follow the rule of thirds, making it look misplaced.
* The clouds behind randomly colored text makes it look like you haven't taken courses in neither Design nor Human Computer Interaction.
* The CrossWorld cover has under-sampled pixels, border overlaps without edges and non-matching colors. Cartoon styles shouldn't let different colors collide without a black border unless they match.
* The crown in Island Wars break the hard black and white theme and looks like unrelated clip art with the drop shadows.
* Let's go putt putt, has a noisy background with a clearly visible texture seam. There's no theme explaining red and yellow opaque diamonds on the field.
It's good to show that you can work with other people, but show something you made alone. Just some concept art, game assets in context or a small but good looking game you made yourself.
If your goal is to get hired for anything above hobby projects in Unity, you shouldn't be making a portfolio right now. Study the design rules, take some art classes, reach your full potential, find your own style, practice copying styles, make new artwork, create a clean site from scratch without the clutter. The competition is insane, so count on being one of 800 applicants with little chance of someone reading your CV. In the worst case, you'll be churned and replaced. In the best case, you'll have fun with friends in a small company barely paying rent.