10 hours ago, Ferik said:
Is there anyone here who has experience with this specific book?
I doubt, that you will find anyone here, who has. There are so many resources on this topic out there and the chances that a person who has read this book stumbles across this thread are rather small. Even if, you get lucky there is still the question if this person faced the same problems as you do. So let's focus on your specific problems and let's try to solve them.
10 hours ago, Ferik said:
I am partly familiar with linking and compiling...
So you have basically no experience in how c++ programs are structured and how they are composed. Nothing to be ashamed of, but using Microsoft Visual Studio is the worst thing you can do right now. Not because it is bad but because it is good. It does so much work for you that you usually don't need to know much about how your program is composed... until there is a problem. I know that from personal experience. I started learning c++ with VS and had a lot of linking problems I did not understand. I opened a lot of threads in forums where people told me which flags I had to change in some hidden options menu. It magically worked. I did not understand why but I was happy until I hit the next problem. I could have saved myself a lot of trouble, if I have learned the necessary lessons about the c++ build system. Unfortunately, the things modern IDEs offer, which make the lives of experienced programmers so much easier, are somehow bad for Newbies.
So my first advice: Do some simple C++ tutorials without using an IDE. Write makefiles, multiple mini-libraries and link them all together. If you don't make any mistakes (unlikely, but might happen), try adding one on purpose and see what happens if you want to build the program. You need to learn how the compiler/linker addresses certain error types, which leads me to the next point:
11 hours ago, Ferik said:
The reason I did not specifically brought errors up is because first and foremost there are lots of error (in one case 612 errors)
How cute, just 612? Try hitting 1000 or 10000. It's not that hard to achieve. ? Jokes aside. The number of compiler errors you get is absolutely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the first one. If you forget to include a file where a certain function is defined, the compiler will create an error every time you use this function. I can only support the things @Kylotan mentioned. Try solving all errors step by step. Always solve the initial error and don't bother with the others which are probably just subsequent errors. If you don't know how to solve a specific error, ask and give us the error message and the code section that caused the error.
11 hours ago, Ferik said:
besides sometime I get no error and I am still not getting any answers.
We can't help you if we don't know, what is supposed to happen. If the program compiles, you have at least a more or less working program. If you run the program and you get no output there might be multiple reasons:
- The program is not supposed to print any output.
- The output is written to a file that you have to open with a certain software tool (ParaView is quite common in Physics simulations)
- The program crashed. In this case, you should get at least an error message which you can provide to us.
So please tell us, what the program is supposed to do and what it is actually doing.
11 hours ago, Ferik said:
Dr Eberly told me to open the proper sln file and build it which I did. I also did a lot of variations and I see no result.
I stopped using VS a long time ago, but I think the VS Version which was used to create the file is somehow important and you might face a compatibility problem here. But that's some wild guessing from my side. Maybe a more experienced user can tell you something about it.
However, I suggest you put the book aside for a while and start learning the basics of c/c++. This is not an easy task since c/c++ are rather difficult languages, so it will probably take some time. In my opinion, it makes no sense to learn programming game physics without some solid knowledge about the programming language you intend to use. It will just frustrate you.