
Concept arts from Between Realms

Started by September 10, 2019 02:59 PM
5 comments, last by Ovva Games 5 years, 5 months ago

Hello! We are Ovva Games, Ukraininan indie development team working on a new sci-fi video game Between Realms. This is the third person action/adventure game, where you play as Eve Rise, the scientist who finds herself in a whirl of strange and dangerous circumstances during the investigation of events, related to her mysterious brother Samuel.


(click to enlarge)

We’re excited to present the concept art of Eve and would like to know your opinion about this art and the heroine. Do you like the overall style we picked and the girl herself? Does this character evoke a wish to play as her?
By the way, right now our game participates in the indie developers contest organized by Epic Games and the entertainment web portal Disgusting Men. So, if you like our stuff, you can support us by liking our contest page
Thanks for your attention!

Hello! Please check out some new stuff from Between Realms. This game incorporates not only 3D graphics, but also some comic book style 2D animations. On this picture you can see the 2D drawing of our main heroine, Eve Rise (here she is much younger than in the game, because it’s a flashback scene). Art is created by Nina Sidorenko. Do you like it?


Eve and the whole game are now on the contest. If you don’t mind, please, support this beautiful girl by liking our contest page.



Hello! Let me introduce to you Mr. Sam Rise - one of the characters from upcoming action/adventure game Between Realms (UE 4). Sam is the elder brother of game’s protagonist Eve, and the main driving force behind the plot. The picture you see is a frame of flashback animation that would be implemented in the game in a form of comics. How can you evaluate the character and the drawing style?


Watch our gameplay video here:

I really like the art style. :) Nice work!

Programmer and 3D Artist

28 minutes ago, Rutin said:

I really like the art style. :) Nice work!

Thanks a lot, Mr. Rutin! We appreciate your support!


I would like to show a new piece of  art from Between Realms. This is a frame from the comics-style flashback animation about the heroine’s childhood. Also this image serves as a kind of concept art for our level design when it comes to labs. We would like to know, what are your impressions about the premise design.

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