
Thoughts on a grid-based turn-based RPG battle system?

Started by August 28, 2019 06:41 PM
2 comments, last by TheBlackRattie 5 years, 2 months ago
I want to preface this by saying that I have played my fair share of turn-based RPGs, and while all different, I have found a lot of them to be similar and limited in the choices that can be made mid-battle. So I was interested to hear your thoughts on an idea for a (potentially) new battle system idea I am creating.
The battle system is derived from traditional JRPGs such as Final Fantasy, Disgaea, and Legend of Heroes series, with major inspirations from MegaMan Battle Network. I was interested to hear your thoughts or if there was even anything else out there like this because no one I know plays RPGs. 
Each battle begins with 2 4x4 grids appearing on the screen, much like Megaman Battle Network. Enemies are on the right 4x4 grid and the player's team of 4 adventurers would be on the left grid.
At the start of the battle, the player can place their 4 units on their half of the board. Units placed nearer to enemies deal more damage, be more accurate in casting spells, and also be more likely to be targetted by enemies. Character and enemy abilities may lend themselves to units being bunched together, or spread out to avoid AOE attacks. Turn order then runs based off of a speed stat. Similarly to Disgaea, abilities and spells can target multiple board positions at once.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I am interested to hear your thoughts on what some issues with a system like this might be, if it seems interesting, and any other games that may have something similar that I may have just not seen yet. 
7 hours ago, Uncleslam said:

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this

Moving it to the right place.

-- Tom Sloper --


Thats a solid mechanic, and a good idea.

Someone has to be in the front row taking the melee hits however, you can't just have four spell casters up the back not getting wailed on by melee monsters.

So maybe the player characters slide right until someone is in the front row, or similar mechanic to ensure someone is tanking.

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