Hi there,
I'm currently developing a turn-based single-player top-down strategy game: the player against simple swarm-like opponents which use spawners to spawn units.
Summary of game mechanics
There a factories which can produce three different basic "bot" units: attack bots (= stands for aggression), defense bots (= stands for survivability) and utility bots (= stands for flexibility, mobility, range etc.).
The bots don't do a lot by themselves, but any three of them can be combined to create another unit with a role based on the ingredients used. E.g. combining three attack bots must result in a highly aggressive unit.
My goal
Tweaking the types of units available to the player.
I'll need 10 units which have a specific role reflecting the ingredients used to create them (see above).
Additionally, the role of each unit needs to have enough room in its concept to allow upgrades into a specialised variant of the base role of the unit.
What I do have so far:
- Attack bot (= "A") +A+A: "Berserk style" close-range damage dealer
- Variant 1: bouncing around causing chaos
- Variant 2: self-healing on kills
- A+A + defense bot (= "D"): mid-range damage support unit with pushbac
- Variant 1: sniper
- Variant 2: faster shooting speed and increased damage to undamaged targets
- A+D+D: close-range defense support with minor damage, e.g. area of effect slowdown
- Variant 1: susceptibility debuff and focus on one target
- Variant 2: ? More slowdown and more area of effect?
- D+D+D+: heavily armored tank unit which can push targets away when moving
- Variant 1: spikes damaging attackers
- Variant 2: armor
- A+A + Utility bot (= "U"): long-range area of effect damage
- Variant 1: damage over time and large area of effect
- Variant 2: ?
- A+U+U: army movement and attack efficiency manager, e.g. damage buffs, pushing units further to the frontlines, terraforming etc.
- Variant 1: attack focus, i.e. stronger buff?
- Variant 2: movement focus, i.e. better terraform, teleport units
- U+U+U: general supply unit. This is a unit which restores energy to units so they can move/attack again
- Variant 1: balancer, i.e. making sure to spread energy well among allies
- Variant 2: ?
- D+D+U: healer
- Variant 1: overheals
- Variant 2: long-range health transfer among allies
- D+U+U: ambush manager: "hook" skill which drags enemies, spawn a barrier which soaks up damage and blocks the path
- Variant 1: invisibility buff and long-range hook skill
- Variant 2: ? mind control debuff? Better barrier?
- A+D+U: ?
Roles I cannot add:
- Jack of all trades: even if balanced, this makes all other units somewhat optional because it can essentially fulfill every role
- Scout: there is no fog of war, so no scouting role is required
Am I missing any basic unit role I could add? How could I fill the underlined items in the list above?
Are there any duplicates in the roles which I could merge?
Looking forward to your ideas and feedback!