I'm trying to implement the paper "Conformation Constraints for Efficient Viscoelastic Fluid Simulation": https://www.gmrv.es/Publications/2017/BGAO17/SA2017_BGAO.pdf
In implementing eqn. 6, they solve the following linear system for \(Q\):
\frac{Q - Q_0}{\Delta t} = Q \nabla \vec{u} + (\nabla \vec{u})^T Q - \frac{1}{\tau} (Q - I)
\(Q_0, \nabla \vec{u}, \Delta t\) and \(\tau\) are all knowns. \(Q\) is a symmetric 3x3 matrix.
In the paper, they describe reformulating \(Q\) as a 6-component vector: $$q = [Q_{xx},Q_{yy},Q_{zz},Q_{xy},Q_{xz},Q_{yz}]^T$$
With \(I\) becoming the vector: $$I = \bar{q} = [1,1,1,0,0,0]^T$$
To be able to solve this in practice I think I need to get it in the form \(Aq = b\).
I'd love some help figuring out how to reformulate the above equation into a matrix-vector product that I can use a linear solver on, as I can't seem to just naïvely rearrange terms.