Heyo! Can you recommend some online resources for learning Game Programming?
Online resources for learning
Welcome !
Not enough info ?
If you don't yet know where the journey goes, maybe the first tutorials of a game engine.
Godot for example with its tutorials and demo projects.
And at the base of game programming is probably just programming. So, a programming language ? The one your game engine of choice uses for scripting ?
Well you didn't really provide enough info, but from a previous comment of yours it would seem you want to learn unity or unreal engine.
I prefer watching YouTube videos for them.
For unity https://www.youtube.com/user/Brackeys. They provide awesome tutorials.
For unreal engine. Well.... Let me make something clear, if you want to become a game developer DO NOT learn ONLY a visual scripting language of an engine, learn a programming language instead such as c++/c# or even Python( if you are going for Godot).
This is a good channel resource for unreal(blueprints/Visual scripting) https://www.youtube.com/user/VirtusEdu .
Get a good resource on c++ specifically for unreal engine, it will teach you the important parts.
And no matter how tempting it is, at this level, do not read the documentation of any engine.
In addition to you YouTube you should also visit Udemy. You will find plenty of free but yet quality courses there about game programmings.
You need to give more information. Do you want to write your own game engine or do you want to use Unity/Godot/UE4/CE5 and so on? What language do you like? Do you want to write desktop, mobile, HTML5/WebGL games?
For example, I like to write my own game engine in OpenGL 3+ (C#) and in WebGL (TypeScript). Because I like to study math, shaders, games architectures, game physics and I like to make simple games from scratch. I want to write multiplayer games using Node.js/Socket.io/TypeScript and C#/TcpSockets. And I study games engines/frameworks/libraries: Unity, Phaser, Pixi.js, Three.js, Babylon.js. You need to choose what do you want to study.
You can find some free step-by-step instructions here: http://noobtuts.com/