
Game DEV World

Started by January 25, 2000 08:13 PM
2 comments, last by komi 25 years, 1 month ago
i''m just curious how many people out there are developing games. i''m 15, and i plan to learn c++, and do some simple coding, and move on to game design? what''s it like? is it hard? i''m sure C++ is the main language of games. except 3d. so, what''s happenin in the Game DEV World? -komi
the game dev world is fun. c++ is not necesarily the main game language, but it is a good one to learn. i''m not sure why you say that 3d isn''t done in C++. i''m 16, and i don''t really think its too hard. time-consuming, yes. mind-boggling, yes, at times. but not hard. =)


_________________Gecko___Gecko Design
Hey. I''m 16 too, and I agree, it''s time consuming, and mind boggling, but not ALL that hard if you just sit down and reason out your code before you write it. As far as C++ goes, as far as I know, C is the main language, but C++ is also used a lot. For example, all of id Software''s games are written in C (for all I know). At least, all the source I''ve downloaded from them (Wolf 3D, Doom, Quake, Quake 2 and 3 DLLs) are written in C. But some stuff is C++. Half-Life is written in object oriented C++ from what I''ve seen. All the DLL and utility source is in C++, and there''s a screen shot in the manual in the tech support secion of the VC++ IDE with some class code in it. I don''t know about you, but I love C++. I think it''s a great language

Jonathan Little
There's a stigma with C++ that it's slower than C. I've noticed that recently, this "myth" is slowly changing. More and more game companies are seeing the power of C++.

The reason I quoted myth is because I don't want to get another language war going. C++ can be slow because of some of its more advaced features, but it can be as fast as C along with the added Object Oriented features.

One great way to learn about how to use C++ is to study how it works internally. By understanding how all the features are implemented, you can figure out which features are fast and which are not.

Note -- This does take a little more knowledge than a beginner is likely to have, so you probably wouldn't want to try to do this if you are still learning how to program. Just don't ignore C++ because some people swear against it.

Edited by - I-Shaolin on 1/26/00 11:12:33 PM

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