I was testing some android indie games (showcase) that came out this month on google play and there is one game which made a strong impression on me.
That game was labeled as "family friendly", and after playing one segment of game one must-watch ad pop up, and it was very uncomfortable for me to watch.
I don't want it to be disgusting while describing it, so I'll describe it like half naked(to put it mildly) "girl" which calls user to action of obscenity which is at least not for little kids , just to mention again it's family friendly game and ad was must-watch (the game was the simplest possible (arcade))
Also I remember in the past there was similar ads like experience of adultery(ads for story games, like you are wife and then needs to find you husband kissing other woman(that is in ad))...
I know the game is non-popular so it's "just put first ad system you can find and you will have monetization in game" and it's labeled family friendly because of developer thought that ads don't count or simply didn't knew it, so I can't blame it.
And my question is:
Are there 100% safe ads(for mobile games) which at least don't have those things or I'll have to satisfy me with In-app purchases or to make paid game.