
Looking for Game programmer to partner up

Started by July 31, 2019 10:36 PM
8 comments, last by BlueFlute 5 years, 6 months ago

Hey All!

I it's been a long time passion to be able to create games of ideas I am always perfecting from critiquing others' works. But rather than learning code from scratch, I thought I would reach out into the community to those who may be in search for inventive ideas to take ahold of!

I've read from other users to supply such material as to show your capabilities. Honestly, I'm not sure how I would do that, considering I can't code...and I'm a bit of beginner in the field of game developing, I must say.

If your a bit interested and would like to see if I have chops to be inventive "creative director": I'm open to answer inquiries, challenge me to create concepts out of other games, add additional content to games to draw a larger follow/players, or in fact challenge me to create a New game concept! As I'm looking for a game programmer and you may be looking for game ideas!

Thank you for your time!



2 hours ago, BlueFlute said:

I've read from other users to supply such material as to show your capabilities. Honestly, I'm not sure how I would do that, considering I can't code...and I'm a bit of beginner in the field of game developing, I must say.

Stencyl offers an outlet for creative minds to build games without code. You could prototype new concepts with that engine. Build a resume of concepts, basically.

Also, don't dismiss board games to showcase your creativity with game mechanics. No programming required there either. or The folks at Print & Play are fantastic, by the way.

Maybe your strength lies in music, writing, art, documentation, etc? Either way, you'll have to bring more to the table than just ideas.

Adapting a board game, of your design, into a video game would be pretty enticing for a lot of programmers. Just sayin'.

Edit: This is the best "idea" site I've even seen. At the very least, maybe you could create a blog about your ideas. If ideas are all you've got so far, at the very least show some of them off.


Thanks for response Guy! Definitely appreciated!

I'll check out the above links to see if I can put together some more content haha. I've also played tons of boards games thus reaching to the extent of creating a board game with a friend. Although, it may not be the best representation of ideas I would be looking to go forward with. Currently what I have to bring to the table, I would say right now is: 

Writer, Creative Director, and Producer; although I'm not exctaly sure what that's worth to anyone at my current stage haha!

Well progress begins with the first step forward! See at the next one!




You're welcome, Blue.

Small steps is the key to getting started. I'd write a design document for a simple game that features a cool mechanic that your proud of. I think a potential partner would appreciate a clear roadmap of a game concept. It would go a long way towards finding someone compatible. To be honest, just saying you have great ideas holds no weight whatsoever.

I like your enthusiasm though. And it takes courage to put yourself out there and try and find a programmer to help you.

If writing is your strength, you might want to try your hand at IF (Interactive Fiction) games. There are lots of engines and most only require about 5 or so commands to program links and such. It's coding, but it's the easiest coding you'll ever see. Twine is my favorite IF engine. I don't game much on my phone, but Seedship is really cool and was built using Twine (albeit, pushed it to it's limits). It's a mobile app as well.

Good luck!


Yeah, saying you have good ideas isn't going to cut it alone (baby steps though :) ).

I would say just practice coming up with interesting game concepts, a game programmer who sees this will know you are serious. 

Also try to build up other skills, like your writing for instance, as metioned by Guy Fleegman, interactive Novels (I think this is the full name) are perfect for you, use twine (it's the industry standard).

Cheers :)

i'm a game programmer for 2 years i code with unity using c# how can i help ?



Hey Guys thanks for the feed back! Definitely appreciated!

I have already followed up on some of the links and I will using them to train my skills in general haha! I honestly feel the same way if someone was telling me they had good ideas. I'll keep up the persistance ?


Hey aa d thanks for your interest! What I'm currently trying to get developed is a 2d platform game. I've got quite a few thought up, but I'll focus on one with the major game concepts and mechanics.



2D:  A good sample would be "Deepworld" or "The Blockheads"   -I would supply all details-


Theme: Greek times, such as ancient to civilization, the Emperor era.  -I would supply all details-

The game would consist of a storyline, One that reaches into the players world, something that touches home, heart warming, mysterious, puzzling, exciting, full of action, and full of Intercative decisions that will effect how your game play with other players will be. -I would supply all details-

Everything in the game will have a some action.  Thus creating a world of endless possibilities. Trust me, I have them.

Characters per player would be created and customized according to game progress  the individual has done. Giving distinctness, as you must create a possession that players' value and wouldn't want to lose.

Quests: will be an addition to the game. -I would supply all details-

Worlds: in the game there would be different genres of worlds for players to explore, conquer, compete, build, create, host, and PvP.   -I would supply all details-

Clans: Yes but with a different twist that actually interacts with the story. -I would supply all details-

**Note** when I say "-I would supply all details-" I mean that I have everything thought out, and you wouldn't need to worry about that end of the development.

Graphics: I'm leaning towards a cleaner retro pixel style. Picture Minecraft 2D but smooth and clear. I'm not sure if there is a term for it haha

There is so much more involved. But I thought I'd let you grasp a bit of what I'm aiming for at the moment.


- I dont have any experience with 2D art design

-I don't have any experience with coding 

-I can manage Music, as I am a musician, and know people.

-Paying, yes, important:

Typically shares would be divided amongst the team before I would receive anything:

Example  -> Game covers cost -> game proceeds to bring in revenue -> At that time all members to the team excluding me will receive a consistent supporting sum -> After the game has now supported everyone in the team I then would start receiving a consistant sum as well. 

- I don't have experience with sound effects / character sounds; but I'm sure it is a bit intertwined with its music partner, in a sense ?


(If there are other important features I may have missed, let me know haha)


Thanks for taking the time to read this!

If you have any Questions feel free to holler!






Hello again!

I figured I'd write you guys another concept from scratch, as I find it fun haha!



Game name: Ola Tribes

Ola Tribesis a game starting at the earliest times of civilization. Survival is the only hope! There are two types of tribes: 

•  The Teman Tribe: meaning friends. 

-They are the peace keeping tribe always into development trying to create better means for survival and living.

• The Kumuh Tribe: meaning foes.

-They are the conquering tribe. They live on a passion to rule, conquer, command, and destroy. There development is mostly in the area of combat.

Ola Tribes: is a 2D Adventure, Survival, Simulation, MMORPG, one world map

Graphics: I think I'm going for a 32bit pixel


The Story:

It all began in the year 2222 A.C.  It was a turning point in time not only because there was a lack of peace, but laws began to become defective. Governments crumbled and laws could no longer be enforced! A crisis was shadowing the globe with no hope as the sunlight disappeared beyond the clouded horizon. No longer was it safe to wander from shelter. Darkness and fear was the only thing present in daily lives. Soon crime was a Government and peace was a sin.

Although, not all submitted to the towering fate that masses perceived as present life. A group of Scientists began to work non-stop through their dark surroundings. Their hope of survival rested in a weapon that could control electricity in extreme measures to create and destroy! 

As time ticked insanity drove all but one of the Scientists from finishing the work. The last Scientist had done it! He had created the weapon. With impatient thoughts, he activated the most deadliest weapon a world could ever behold. Malfunctions took to flight and electrodes began to shrink in every living cell. It was if a Black Hole had swallowed the world. Everything...just vanished...but reappeared, in a very foreign way. 

The sun began to burst through the clouds penetrating the age of darkness. Things were visible and clear! But it was different, it was as if, what we had accumulated and perfected overtime was set back to the beginning...A new life began: Ola Tribes


Ola Tribes Gameplay: When a player starts he can choose to join either the Teman or Kumuh Tribe. 

The tribe consistants solely on players. Survival development is ammassed through teamwork within each tribe.

Each player can pick 1 skill at the beginning of his gameplay. With that skill chosen they nurture it so that they can use there skill to create opportunities to benefit their tribes progress in that specific area. Specific areas include:

-weapon development 

-tool development

-building material development 

-engineering development 

-medical development 

-health development 

-food development 

-energy development 

-vehicle development 

-defensive development 

-clothing development 

-communication development 

-hunting development 

-combat development 

-farming development 

-business development 

-tactical development 

-breeding development 

-inventive development

-accessory development 


Each form of development can be upgraded an x amount of times for that individual, giving benefits to the master development Tribal "tech tree".


Communication is a must have! Each tribe will have no native language...whatsoever. Meaning players literally can not communicate when gameplay first begins. They will use skills to survive and develop a means of communication.

Example: in the beginning of gameplay. If a fellow tribe member tries typing/saying: "We need wood"    This is what would appear:    (  ...  )      because they don't have a language. Furthermore let's say they start developing there language at the beginning stages. Due to there development based upon different factors. They will have random generated letters (and or) symbols given to a random letter: so let's say there development leads them to have:  

? = W   

Ū = E

S = O

D = D

*N has not been developed*

_ = *default*

So now the phrase: "We need wood" would read " ?ū  _ūūd  ?ssd

*Basically it adds a wild twist I've actually never seen in gameplay before haha! Players in the beginning, will work around the barrier or will hasten the production of communication. I think it would be cool to try to figure it all out*

All tribe members can review the letters and their counterparts anytime becuase the list would develop, "not change", based upon certain players skill levels. Eventually as the skill evolves the "skilled user" will be able to choose certain letters and rearrange things, Make speed words. It would run the course of a new language in development.


At the earliest stages of the game everything is undeveloped: weapons, clothing/armor, food, vehicles, building, etc... It's survival


Everytime you level up you receive an attribution point.

Each time you die. One attribute point you've gotten gets taken away. So in essence the more a tribe dies the more it will go back into an undeveloped state. Everything can kill you: development, lack of food, lack of water, lack of shelter, the weather, wild animals, un-edible food, getting lost. It all pays a toll unless a tightly knit bond is made within the tribe.

(I believe this covers the concept and mechanics) if not holler, as I'm brainstorming haha



**Storyline** Single player/Multiplayer unlocks when you reach level x in your Tribe.

(story for multiplayer)-it's an area you enter that would activate the storymode for multiplayer. For single player you would have to activate it from the main menu, once unlocked.

...New life here has begun, so do traditions as well. At age, a warrior needs to prove his worthiness to the Tribe to train for better positions...

It is your time! To prove your worthiness to hold better positions, you must make the journey to the top of Boulder Burn Mountain. There you will find a bright Amber colored liquid. This substance is powerful enough to burn through anything! Not only will it give us advantages in development, but it also gives a meaning to the beholder. Something we all long for; a hope, a dream, a quest....a partner. The Journey is dangerous that is why you will travel with tribe members who also need to prove themselves worthy...


If the journey is taken as single player. You join up with AI members that you use to help achieve goals and so forth.

Difficulties for single player:



-Man up 


-Hero Time


(Each difficulty level has a different story that is a sequel to the next difficulty level)

(The first storyline above would also be for the pipsqueak difficulty level, but it would take a different ending to merge in with other storylines)

If the journey is taken in co-multiplayer. You must gather players to the area to begin the journey with them. As the game continues in realtime. So you could be facing up against realtime competitors, as well as the AI battles, conditions, and bosses.

Difficulties for multiplayer:

- As you could and most likely would be with a large group. You will be facing all levels of difficulties in the same go. Check marks would be available, (as in the leave the game and come back and your still in place you left your character).  But once you die you have to restart from the beginning of the area, but would spawn back at your tribal location.


Anyway I believe this covers the major concept. I have all the details ready to be filled in haha!

Like I said before I was brainstorming as I wrote this one, so please forgive the errors/typos!

This is a sample of ideas or concepts I have ready to be used.

I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it!



Hey All!


I figured I'd write another game concept and story!

Lost Journals 

Lost Journals: is a 2D adventure, RPG, one world map.

Graphics: 16 or 32bit pixel

Theme: Present time in age. In the Suburbs.

Single player with co-op mutiplayer mode



(All character' names are customizable by the player and gender is customizable for beginning character) so for ease of story-telling I'll just designate names and gender for now.)

Lillian* Player's character


....Bolts of Lighting flash through the sky! A rumbling can be heard in the distance....

....It's a couple minutes from midnight and Lillian* can catch a wink....


Tossing and turning his her only remedy of staying calm! Lillian's parents had a fight after supper. With distasteful words her father raged out of the house! The perpetual thoughts entering Lillian's mind were the three words her mother burst out with: "I hate you!" Tears showered the house while terrified Lillian waited for her father to return home. 

Suddenly the clock struck Midnight! A horrifying thought crossed Lillian's mind: "Will I ever see my father again?" No sooner had she finished the thought as a bright green bolt of lightning lit off! "THUDDDDD!!!!" It was like a nuclear explosion was detonated!

Trembling with anxiety, Lillian tippy toed to her bedroom window to take a peek of the strange glow emitting from her backyard. "THUD....THUD....THUD...."   "Is someone knocking?" 

As Lillian peered out her two story window, she did all she could to refrain from screaming! A Hunk of floating metal was in her backyard! Continuing to watch from her dusty window, Lillian noticed the metal starting to disappear! With unbelief she pinched herself and turned away from the window. Taking huge breaths, Lillian managed another look out the window. But wait! "''s gone..."

...Scared to death, Lillian runs away from the window only to smash into a falling unconscious...


...Waking up the following morning...

Lillian peers around the room with a groggy look... "Wha...t...happened." "Oh" 

As Lillian Staggers to the window...a pause is issued as the suns rays emit from a cloud into her eyes. This makes her rush to the window! Examining her backyard, she sees nothing unusual...."was it a couldn't have been" "it was too real....."

Slowly, Lillian makes her way through her house to the backyard. Taking a step on the soggy grass, she examines her surroundings. Nothing, she then continues to the center of her yard. There is nothing. But wait! A piece of paper....with writing, a note to be exact!

Examing it well, it reads:


"Truth...what is truth? Is it what you been taught from the beginning of your existence? Is it something you can see with your eyes, examine with your mind?  Or is it something entirely different, a way of life only you can discover?

One can only tell, if you take a journey. A journey that has been long forgotten. A journey that has been hidden from you entirely based upon what you've learned.

 I believe it is time for you to take that journey. The Lost Journey to be exact! Go and search as I have faith that you will succeed!



Are you still reading this....

uh....yeah....this is awkward....





Haha, that's the storyline anyway!

Basically the concept of the game is a do it yourself puzzle game. You get certain clues and must figure it out literally on your own. There would be a hint in the note, obviously, and that is the beginning adventure. The Adventure's storyline can go a multiple of different ways based upon specific choices you make along your journey! While on your Journey you'll meet up with other fun characters that band into your journey. They will play important roles in the story based on how you use them and how your treat them. As not everyone will survive your journey. 

When your doing Co-op multiplayer can either do local on the same device, local internet, or other online players: either joining/hosting option. Up to four players can play. Difficulty will be set accordingly. 

Other Players basically your AI characters you have with you at the time. If none are available or you don't have enough....random AI will be generated for the time being.


I would continue and write the story....but that would reveal a bit too much hahah!


Anyway hopefully you enjoy reading this!

If you have any questions feel free to holler!






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