
Mighty Dragons here! (card game concept)

Started by July 15, 2019 05:15 PM
2 comments, last by vvoodenboy 5 years, 7 months ago


Chaotic-neutral, rogue designer is looking for a merry companions to form a fellowship during game-development journey.

He has a concept for a TCG and an urge to release it.
Currently the project is in a paper-prototype-testing-tweaking stage.
There is no concrete schedule since there are some opened questions regarding core mechanics...
Game's IP is more-less-fantasy-with-mighty-dragons and OFC is totally a very-original-game-changing-idea... totally!
...with dwarfs!

...and dragons!

So if you are keen to take this challenge and you have lvl 6+ skills in (and/or):

Drawing (much much wanted)
Coding (much wanted)
Design (wanted)

you may want to post some details about your interest in this project.

This long-and-dangerous journey begins in Cambridge, UK.

Best regards,

I am interested if there is a complete Game Design Document detailing everything including the majority of the cards. I am also interested what kind of original spin you plan to put on it to differentiate it from Slay The Spire, Hearthstone, or the vast number of other card games.

Have you played those two games mentioned above?

I am a web designer, so I would hypothetically make this into a <<web page>>, so you may want to use the ever-so-popular unity though.

6 hours ago, Euthyphro said:

I am interested if there is a complete Game Design Document detailing everything including the majority of the cards. I am also interested what kind of original spin you plan to put on it to differentiate it from Slay The Spire, Hearthstone, or the vast number of other card games.

Have you played those two games mentioned above?

I am a web designer, so I would hypothetically make this into a <<web page>>, so you may want to use the ever-so-popular unity though.

Sorry, but there's no document which can be described as GDD... yet

List of cards is also constantly changing, because there are still some decisions about core mechanics which has to be made.

Yes, I've played / read / look at existing card games on the market. I came from Mtg (played with brakes since 1998... to 2015-ish), then Warhammer, Heartstone, Spellweaver for a short period of time, read through Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, L5R, LotR, GoT... recently Artifact and KeyForge... So I think did (kind of) market research on that subject but still I know that there are plenty more titles to be picked up.

Right now I examine and re-arrange core mechanics, which means: I'm trying get rid of all unnecessary parts to see which key components are actually making The Game :) 

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