I have been busy for long time so I couldn't play around with Dx12.
Well, I got a very simple and basic question.
I have read the API references ,did googling but didn't get much information.
It is about this API, ID3D12DescriptorHeap::GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart().
And , ID3D12DescriptorHeap::GetGPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart()
I'm confusing.
What Get"CPU" and Get"GPU" means?
1) Is it means that one is a handle for CPU and the other a handle for GPU against the same virtual address or something?
[ same address ] ---> for CPU handle [ same address ] ---> for GPU handle
2) It means that there are 2 different addresses and those handles are representing respectively?
[ system memory address ] ---> for CPU handle [ GPU memory address ] ---> for GPU handle
Those 2 API returns 2 different values(addresses) so I guess 2 is the answer but I want to sure.