i want to creat one game like stardew valley but i don't know how to start
do you show me how to make game basic ?
i don't know how to start
There is some reading material under "Resources" for an initial answer. Sort the resources on "highest rating" rather than "most recently updated" as that seems to improve the returned list.
Once you've read some of it, perhaps you can ask some more specific questions?
I read that "stardew valley" is a multiplayer game. You can start making multiplayer games from this tutorial. I am learning this tutorial too. If you have any questions about this tutorial I can help you. We can make a simple multiplayer together if you want. Node.js and Socket.io is the most simple to start. Later we can start learning C# Tcp Sockets because it is simpler than C++ Winsock. And say me, do you want to be a game programmer or game designer? I want to be a game programmer and we can learn programming of multiplayer game programming together.
This tutorial is awesome to start. I can show you how it is simple to connect Node.js/Socket.io server with a Unity client using this free asset: Socket.IO for Unity - Asset Store