Hi All
I am very new to game programming. I have a little knowledge in C# but nothing to sing about.
I have an idea for a simple game where the player is stuck on an island and needs to survive by crafting items and finding food.
My issue is I just don't know where to start. I know I will have to learn new things and have started to learn about Unity, which I am enjoying but none of the courses show you how to plan the steps required for the game, they just show you how to do things.
I guess I am asking for some guidance on what steps would be needed to reach the end goal. Example, do I start with building the island first or do I look at the character first. If I go with the island, what do I need to learn to make this island.
I know this is not an easy question and one that may not have an answer as every project is different, but I would interested in what other people do when they start a new project and how they break it down in to smaller chunks to achieve their end goal.