I honestly had no idea where to put this, as it isn't technically a game. If someone knows a better forum, let me know, ok?
Anyways, I am still talking to the private investors / business angels I have mentioned before. The first project didn't pan out, but it got the ball rolling on a lot of neat ideas that they like, too, and I may end up getting some meager funds to do research on. One of these ideas is a bit out there, but I CANNOT get it out of my head!
We live in a world where science denial (climate change, evolution, etc.) thrives, where conspiracies run rampant (just dipped my toes in, OMFG, QAnon...), and where truth and fake news are seen as equal verdicts on almost anything. I am an old fan of Snopes, but it looks like Snopes is just being crushed by everything from social media to the fear industry. We may need something new. This is where the idea that is currently being WIP labeled as "Snopes2" comes in. It's also something I desperately need some kind of input on, because dear lord am I out of my depths here!
The basic premise is basically "show, don't tell". Imagine a website or app or 'game' or the like, where you can post a claim. "Gnomes run the TSA", "This home remedy cures male baldness", "atoms consist of electrons and quarks", anything. Then, anyone can post content, i.e. other claims, to back up those claims. The gist of it is, any claim is rated based on the rating of claims supporting it, and until some claim comes up that is hard to refute, any claim lacking that will be rated pretty low. Claims hard to refute include something anyone can reproduce or observe (good for scientific claims), extensive photo evidence that is hard to prove as fake, 'believable' witness testimony, predictions based on a claim that have yet to come true (allowing anyone to judge if/when it does), and so on.
We're thinking about designing this into a very simple system and doing a 'manual test', the details of which are not clear yet, except that it will be an active discussion, not an automated process. If the discussion can sand off all troublesome issues, a more (but not fully) automated test can follow, etc. I guess, basically a 'playtest'.
It's a bit of an aimless clich'e, but.... any ideas or suggestions?? As far as I can see, this is kind of gamification (I know, but I love the concept) of the scientific process, journalistic / police investigation procedures, and all kinds of proof checking rolled up into one. It looks HUGE right now, but I get the weird feeling it isn't. I'm just looking at it from a still very small PoV.
Any and all input greatly appreciated!