Thread topic : Group approval rating / brain storming a game code grab bag section of the site.
So, I had to take a moment to acquaint myself with this particular board. A little of a rocky ride through the site transitions in the beginning but we're looking good. So good now that we've stabilized, we might be ready for some more bling here on the site. Put a pin in that for a moment.
The beginners section is interesting to watch. You get all the flavors. One in particular being focused on are the group that seem to try really hard but just spin wait because of this or that. I can't guess how many roll though here amongst the shadows not being able to actually make that first few steps after the compiler install bit. I understand the general rule of thumb, don't just give the fish but teach to fish instead. No argument. No contest. But there is a group further out begging for some game coding action but struggling. (or appear to be) Along that line, the Game Challenges here, also I wonder if there is missed participation for similar road blocks. "What do I start typing", beginnings of sort.
A recent topic thread in the beginners board demonstrated this frustration, but not from lack of suitable code example but more of a lack of grasping base logic for a problem. The thread started going sideways and some off topic ideas were thrown around. Then the boss comes in a gives the nod. The ponder is, why not give code. What I'm proposing is a place where someone can take their 'problem' being some small piece of the larger puzzle, thumb through an index and pull out a little black box. Problem solved (in theory) Happy customer, life goes on...the user inserts this piece of code in an appropriate file, move on to the next problem.
On the experienced user side, the game is to create these black boxes that don't break other accepted black boxes. The goal would be for a sufficient library of concepts that when put together, a first game could actually be assembled. well , I could try to be a little more vague, but that's the basic premise. Perhaps so abstract that it's stupid, but a little kicking of the can never hurt.
This got posted in haste slightly, and in my head it's mostly a pipe dream or a reach for Eutopias. I'd like to reach out to the community for a couple of stars to steer by. This could be the dumbest idea ever, or... let's talk about it a little.
First impressions welcome also...what are you talking about type stuff...all good.