Hey Everyone, this is my first time posting on gamedev.net before so please excuse me if I'm a little green with all of this.
As VR games become more mainstream and better game mechanics are developed and refined, I've been theorizing about new and interesting ways to create interaction between players and NPC's. Currently, in the field of RPG's in particular, all quests and world interaction is delivered by NPC's or by other objects in the world such as job/killboards. Even if a quest has been fully scripted, this form of data transmission is extremely static and inflexible. It doesn't allow the player to progress the story in their own way or to have flexible conversations where the quest is defined over the duration of said interaction.
Because of this, I've been taking a look into how machine learning and other forms of AI could allow for a user to receive quest data in more organic ways. Maybe we could have an AI that could process voice chat, analyze what was said and then produce conversation pieces geared toward the quests they are offering. But with no experience in the field of machine learning, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
But that's when it hit me, why try to create smarter AI when you could just use humans to do the job for you? And so I searched high and low on the internet for any game that may have done this but the only games that came close were EVE:Online, with its player-driven trade market/encounters, second-Life (for the same reason), and maybe Fallout76 with it's lack of human NPC's. Nowhere else could I find player characters being the primary drivers of social, economic, and character growth.
Is it so radical to think that a game and it's questing systems could be completely player driven where no NPC's exist? With VR in particular where games Like VRChat and Rec Room are redefining social interaction, hasn't the time come where we can make questing an interaction between player and player versus player and NPC?
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a game that would come close to this idea?