
Anyone know about cocos2d-x?

Started by March 08, 2019 04:53 AM
2 comments, last by Rutin 5 years, 11 months ago

Actually, I got a problem with the resolution in multiple devices in android and ios, so Plz if anyone knows that, Plz tell me and reply to me.


Actually, I got a problem with the resolution in multiple devices in android and ios

That's a little vague, so you may need to elaborate a bit in order to get useful feedback.

11 hours ago, Amit Ambaliya said:

Actually, I got a problem with the resolution in multiple devices in android and ios, so Plz if anyone knows that, Plz tell me and reply to me.

I cannot really provide an answer because you're not stating what the problem is.

I've had to work with ratios in the past for anything Android related to adjust for different screen sizes. iOS is much more straight forward thankfully with the more limited devices. You'll have to account for the different sizes and have supported ratios then adjust as needed.

Programmer and 3D Artist

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