
Space Hockey - Pirate Dawn Universe

Started by February 12, 2019 05:41 PM
18 comments, last by jbadams 6 years ago

I am starting over again in trying to make Space Hockey. The design document can be found here...


I have been designing games since before the computer game industry even existed. My space combat games are many decades ahead of where the computer game industry currently is. All of my games are, really, three full generations ahead of where the computer game industry is right now. They are stuck in the starting gates of “I go, you go” turns. The first generation of game design. They haven't even reached Charles S Roberts second generation of phased-turns. My games sometimes exist within Stephen V Cole's third generation of game design, and sometimes in my own fourth generation that I call “Rube”.

Space Hockey is actually my only fully “first generation” game. That, and the fact that it is a simple arcade game, means that it is a very simple indie game too make. You can see that for yourself in the design document. Once Space Hockey existed, I also have design documents for three DLC expansions that would add three more “Arenas” of 6 scenarios each for Dueling, Capture the Flag, and Base Defense for a total of 19 “mini-games” using the same basic gameplay of Space Hockey with new lineups of ships for each of the four “Arenas”. But for now, I am just trying to get Space Hockey on to Steam.

Space Hockey is hockey played by “RC space ships” instead of people. It is inspired by a very old board game scenario called “Space Hockey” for Star Fleet Battles, Nintendo Ice Hockey, and Subspace. Space Hockey has a “Hangar Bay”, the rules for which add a strategic layer of decision making too the game. Space Hockey is an excersise in minimalist game design, 1+1=Chess. It is much more than the sum of its parts, there is a lot of game in Space Hockey for how little their appears to be too it.

I am looking for one programmer who is at least close to 30 to get started on Space Hockey. I am a pure designer who can help with tuning in an editor like Unity but I am not a programmer or artist. Once I find a programmer, together we can decide what other team members we will need to complete the game. The last programmer was also an artist and thought he could do it alone in about one year, Space Hockey is a very efficient design and is much more than the sum of its parts.


I am, quite possibly, the most hated & despised person in the computer game industry. For over 30 years now. The term “Rock Star Game Designer” was probably inspired by me. So know that by joining me you are joining the “Dark Side of the Game Business” and making yourself a “Black Sheep” in this world. But they are such losers, trust me, that is a thing to be PROUD OF!!!


"I wish that I could live it all again."

9 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

I am, quite possibly, the most hated & despised person in the computer game industry. For over 30 years now. The term “Rock Star Game Designer” was probably inspired by me.


🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


Nope... that was probably me.  They used to come to our conventions in the earliest days and I was always there "bothering" them looking like Keith Partridge.  Arrogant programmers ignoring 300 years of game design history deciding that the "Rock Star Game Designer" was the last thing you wanted to have in your office.  I was there, remember?

Me at 21?

You people have been shunning me since the mid-1980's and I knew almost as much about game and simulation design then as I do now.  Back then it was like I was in a completely different galaxy from you... at least we are in the same galaxy now.

"I wish that I could live it all again."

10 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

I am, quite possibly, the most hated & despised person in the computer game industry. For over 30 years now. The term “Rock Star Game Designer” was probably inspired by me.

Sorry, who are you?

2 hours ago, Hodgman said:

Sorry, who are you?

Someone who is 3 full generations of "artificial time" ahead of you and has been designing games and simulations since before your industry even existed?  About 250-300 years ahead of you, if you count the Ruler & String games...

...Oh, and the guy who came up with the fundamental basis of Cyberspace, The Matrix, and a Holodeck.  That guy, remember?


Celebration!!!  -200 Reputation on GameDev.Net!  I MUST be doing something RIGHT!!!

Come on, people... Organize... You can get me too -1,000 by the end of next week!


"I wish that I could live it all again."

1 hour ago, Kavik Kang said:

Oh, and the guy who came up with the fundamental basis of Cyberspace, The Matrix, and a Holodeck.  That guy, remember?

No you're not. You're neither famous or infamous. You are suffering from delusional thinking and need to seek medical advice immediately. 

There's no conspiracy against you. It's psychosis.

This is not an insult. As someone with my own mental health concerns, this is honestly the most helpful thing I can think to tell you. The sad truth is you're in an episode right now. Talk to your doctor about this. 

We've all watched you post incoherently for YEARS about conspiracies to suppress you and your achievements, about your achievements and association with projects (many of which have shown to be wild exaggerations or fabrications), and your game ideas that don't gain traction due to your own personal shortcomings, or by their own incomplete nature (no conspiracy required). When's it going to stop? It's really not healthy. The only way you can help yourself is to get these symptoms diagnosed professionally and find a treatment plan that can stop you from sabotaging yourself with this disordered thinking. 

Good luck. We're here for you if there's anything we can actually do to help you. 

If you want to keep insisting that you're a suppressed genius and that the world is out to get you though, I'll keep reminding you that none of us know who you are and there is no worldwide conspiracy. The world simply doesn't even notice Marc Michalik. 


I didn't say any of those things, you did.  I am just looking for someone to make Space Hockey.  Your attempt at attacking my mental stability, or sanity, is the most pathetic attempt at an attack that you can possibly make.  You are creating your own straw man and attempting to beat it too death as if it were me.  You are the only person in this thread who is living in their own delusional fantasy world, and that should be obvious to anyone reading it.


Oh, and I AM the guy who came up with the fundamental basis of Cyberspace, The Matrix, and a Holodeck. You are just 3 generations behind it, so it is literally indistinguishable from magic too you.


"I wish that I could live it all again."

14 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

I am just looking for someone to make Space Hockey.  Your attempt at attacking my mental stability, or sanity, is the most pathetic attempt at an attack that you can possibly make. 

I'm not attacking you. I'm honestly trying to help. I don't believe that there should be a stigma around mental health discussions and it definitely shouldn't ever be used as a slur.

To be clear, I'm not attacking you with: "You're mentally unstable, therefore your claims are false".
I'm stating the opposite of that: "You repeatedly make false claims, have baseless delusions of grandeur, express paranoid conspiracies against yourself which are false... which are all warning signs of disordered thinking". I'm honestly very worried about you and want to help.

I also think that your inability to succeed with your game projects is down to self-sabotaging acts that stem from this disordered thinking... and that if you want to actually succeed as a game designer, you need to address those issues first.

We've all watched you talk about these wlid kook posts for years, and the only sensible conclusion is that you're experiencing disordered thinking. You need to get someone who's qualified in this stuff to diagnose it. I am not a doctor, just a concerned colleague.
Going along with your stories of you-vs-the-games-industry, or you the genius-inventor-being-sabotaged is not helping you, it's just enabling harm. So I'm not going to indulge you any more. Enough is enough.

We've tried playing along with you and it hasn't helped. So, here's the plain truth: it's not true. 

On 2/13/2019 at 4:41 AM, Kavik Kang said:

I am, quite possibly, the most hated & despised person in the computer game industry. For over 30 years now. The term “Rock Star Game Designer” was probably inspired by me.

It's simply not true. This is delusional.

14 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

I didn't say any of those things, you did.

I'm literally quoting you...

14 hours ago, Kavik Kang said:

Oh, and I AM the guy who came up with the fundamental basis of Cyberspace, The Matrix, and a Holodeck.

No, you didn't. This is a fantasy. There's no real work in those areas, by you, that's accessible to the public. Just ideas in your head.

On 2/13/2019 at 4:41 AM, Kavik Kang said:

So know that by joining me you are joining the “Dark Side of the Game Business” and making yourself a “Black Sheep” in this world. 

This is not true. This is a paranoid conspiracy delusion.

50 minutes ago, Hodgman said:

We've all watched you talk about these wlid kook posts for years, and the only sensible conclusion is that you're experiencing disordered thinking.

Agreed.  We all know that much of what you say is confused, exaggerated, or outright untrue.  It obviously causes at least some level of distress to you.

We would all like to see you get help and live a productive and happy life.  You're welcome to publicly declare us to be incompetent amateurs who don't understand you if that makes you feel better, but please consider seeking professional help.

- Jason Astle-Adams

You are attacking me, in the most classic way... "you are not sane".  It is amatuerish and pathetic.  You are not "trying to help", you are playing a game with me.  A game that I am much better at then you are.  Just ask Philip Klass.

You are not quoting me, you are paraphrasing me in the worst possible light. Intentionally. It is a tactic in the attack you laughably deny.

I am probably the source of the "Rock Star Game Designer" thing.  I was there, you weren't.  I am MOST DEFINITELY the creator of the fundamental basis of Cyberspace, The Matrix, and a Holodeck.  They are not "just ideas in my head"... you are still INCAPABLE of understanding that "game design" can take place with no programmers and no code.  You are still completely clueless.

You have, of course, now made it impossible for me to find someone to make Space Hockey... still actively preventing me from making games.  

Nothing you say is true, and everything I say is true.  It really is that simple.  And you don't know enough about games to comprehend Rube, that is the problem there.

"Seek professional help..." the most amateurish debate tactic that there is.  You do realize that I am the person who defeated Philip Klass in the UFO debate, don't you?  You are going to have to do quite a bit better than that...

"I wish that I could live it all again."

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