
Looking for a Hobby-Dev Partner

Started by January 19, 2019 08:20 PM
9 comments, last by Mojo__Tv 5 years, 10 months ago

Hello everybody,

I am looking for someone to team up with and start a hobby-project of developing a game together.
First up: the goal is not to make lots of money or make the worlds greatest game ever. I just want to start getting into developing games together with one or two partners.

This is meant to be a Hobby-Project, only to be worked on our free time.
I tried starting a project with some of my friends multiple times, but they never ended up actually doing something. The reason I am looking for a partner (partners) is, that I am a man of teamwork. Working in a team gives me the motivation I would otherwise not have enough of. And as I don't want to join an existing project, that is already in the making, I thought I reach out to you in this forum.

Sadly, I have neither a game-idea nor can I show you a great resume of mine. I've done some smaller games (unfinished) with YoYoGames:GameMaker and Unity in the past. Nothing fancy I could show here though. Now I am looking for a Partner in crime to develop a game. I don't really mind that much what game type exactly.

About me:
My name is Lucas. I live in Germany. I work full time at an Insurance Company in the IT. I am experienced in C# and Java and I know a bit of JavaScript/HTML. I played around a bit with Blender (3D modeling). But I am always open to learning new things.
For me, good commutation is very important. I don't want a partner who silently does his duty and reports back once a week. I am looking for someone who, just like me, wants to develop something together. From start to finish. Neither do I want to buy already finished models, textures etc., pay a programmer, add them all together and in the end call it "my game". I want to get my hands dirty.

I am looking for:
An Artist or a Programmer or just somebody who wants to learn and is passionate about developing something together.
It would be perfect if you could bring in an idea you always wanted to try, but that's not a must. I'm sure we can work something out together. ☺️

About the Game:
As I already said, I don't have a fixed plan for the game. I am mostly open to anything. From a small Jump-and-Run style mobile game, over a build-up .IO game, to a real-time top-down strategy game (Excluding genres like MMORPGs, as they are not realistic to carry out).

Don't be shy to ask me anything or just tell me your opinion.

Sorry for the wall of text and may the force be with you,
Frost ❄️

Hey Lucas, I have (just right now) joined this amazing community to find some connections whom they are interested in teaming up for game devs.

I would love to get in touch with you :)

Game designer?
Add me on:

Discord: parse#8165


Hi Lucas,

Although this game is in the making, and the game idea loosely decided already, I think it might suit you (Both C# and Blender)... Have a look. I live in Sweden.

The problem with not having something decided in the beginning is that it may never be finished. This will be, and it's not an overly complicated project. If you don't have VR I will buy you an Oculus Rift when it is finished :)


Hey Lucas,

I'm new joiner in this community as well. And I have the same goal to find group of people and work on some game. 

I have a few project right now. But they moving to slow. One of them is strategy game with online multiplayer (I've implemented multiplayer using Photon) and some stuff for kids. 

I use Unity for my gamedev activities. In real world I'm Software Engineer in Test. And I work with Java, Python, TypeScript, C#. Also right now I work a lot with AWS.  

I think that we can collaborate with all who interesting in the same thing. Brainstorm the ideas and start to work on the Best Game Ever :) 


I just created channel in Discord 

Hope That will see some one there! :) 

Should you still be searching for someone I'd like to participate:

I'm also from Germany, currently working on my Master's Degree in Mechatronics and would like to create a small game.


Current skills:

Until now I've mostly worked on games in C/C++ using UE4 and SFML or Rust using Amethyst. Aside from C/C++ and Rust, other relevant languages I'm familiar with are Python, HTML/CSS and a little bit of JavaScript, but I'm open to learning new languages/engines/frameworks or even building a simple framework from the grounds up.

I can model 3D-Models in Blender (including UV-mapping, normal-maps, depth-maps, etc), but texturing is not really my forte, and I haven't looked into animating yet. The lack of texturing know-how makes 2D sprites kind of difficult for me, and they may never reach "production" quality.




Hi Lucas,

I'm an experienced developer, who is also interested in making games. Just like you, I have some rough plans for some games, and together we might do some nice games.

I can provide programming for Unity and possibly any other engine, if desired, making some music and basic 3D using Blender.


Hi Lucas,

Hope you're well. I'm from the UK and have always been tinkering with making games in Phaser, Gamemaker and Unity. Also used Blender. I mainly follow tutorials and do my own simple retro games like invaders, asteroids etc

I'd like to join up with a team as this might improve my productivity and also learn new skills.

Anyway let me know if you're still looking.

Hey guys!

I'd love to help out with audio! I'm a studying sound engineer from Sweden. Looking for experience and portfolio projects.

I'm able to do everything from recording, writing sound FX and foley. Mix master and deliver. Also looking into wwise and other middleware but very early stages.

Hello everyone! If the offer is still valid, I would like to participate too :)

My name is Maria, and at the moment I live in Spain. I am a complete newbie in game design, but I always wanted to start developing games. I am mostly interested in game narrative position. I already have a couple of nice ideas for a game, depending on its genre. This year, I decided to switch from Philology to Game Design degree, and I will try hard to success in programming.

Hi, i am a programmer using Unity in C# to create games. I'm also looking for a partner/team to create games with. I'd love to join if you would have me! 

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