24 minutes ago, FRex said:
This is 2.4 from mid 2018
Yeah that still straight up sounds like running dedicated servers, or renting cloud infrastructure whatsoever is a violation of their terms... but in their blog they say it's ok to do this... Which still just makes them come off as very shifty in this whole incident (in a disagreement between the TOS and a blog post, the TOS wins).
Also, prior to mid 2018 (which is when they claim they informed Spatial OS they they were in violation to these terms), that clause only banned video streaming servers (OnLive, Gaikai, Polystream, etc)... So it still sounds like they've added a restriction on hosting their runtime in the cloud at all, in response to negotiations regarding payment from Spatial OS.
Also, the pre-2018 version of that clause (banning video streaming services) is also a pretty shitty thing for an engine company to do to their customers. I had no idea Unity banned their devs from hosting in that way ?
I'm not a Unity customer, but I recently added Polystream support to my game and were looking into using it for a few purposes... If my engine company jumped in and demanded a payment from me to do this, I'd be pretty shitty.