
run attack

Started by December 11, 2018 01:07 AM
52 comments, last by JTippetts 5 years, 3 months ago
tyree1 said:
if your having trouble reading it step thru it

The best I could come up with is 2 seconds of a girl putting out a cigarette. She gets pee'd on and for some reason she goes into a gymnastic seizure for 2 more seconds. The pee must be real cold cause she freezes solid for the last 2 seconds.

Well, I tried.

REF VIDEO (I'm trying to make a link and not embed but I don't see options...)

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

tyree1 said:

you post no animation but you want give an opinion on what you think is or is not animation. how about you go animate a box walking before giving an opinion. that no one cares about. as if your opinion carries any weight. rest assured if i knew you. all this bold ass talking your doing. would not be happening.

Don't pay any attention. Criticism with the intent to insult without providing constructive feedback is worthless. Always consider the source and if that individual has a history of such negativity. You'll find a trend...

Programmer and 3D Artist

tyree1 said:
rest assured if i knew you. all this bold ass talking your doing. would not be happening.

Could you elaborate on your threat? ( elaborate means give more detail )

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

I find this animation style strange and unsettling. And not in a "I think they're trying to inspire a vague sense of horror" sort of way, but more in a "I think they need to study some texts/resources on the fundamentals of anatomy and animation" sort of way. Your meshes deform oddly, there are odd pulsations and fibrillations, sudden jarring movements that make no sense. I understand you might be trying to evoke some sort of stylistic choice with your motions, but it just comes across, to me, as weird.

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