I'm conceptualizing this at the moment, so this is more a high level question than a "show me the code".
Numerous game ideas I'm throwing around at the moment requires some kind of server side logic, and as such I decided that I want a separated login / authentication server (and as I type this I realize my question might belong in For Beginners - I spent 15 years of my career doing assembly, C, C++ and C# development, but that's a while back and I never did any type of low level network work).
Now, my question is - How do I communicate the fact that a certain client is authenticated to the game server?
My original idea was that once the client is authenticated, the login server shares a tooken with the client and saves that tooken somewhere - When the client then communicates with the game server, it uses that tooken to establish the connection.
The game server then checks with the authentication server if that's a valid tooken.
However, this would make the game server dependent on the login servers, and add some load to them.
I guess my questions are:
1) is the above a reasonable way of architecting it?
2) if not, any other concepts I should consider?
3) any "ready made" solutions I could make use of, or any specific documentation etc I should read up on?
Sorry if this comes up a bit like I'm too lazy to Google it, but I poked around and I think I know a little bit too little to effectively reasearch on my own. I also asked this question on Discord last night and got a "yes" to 1, but just wanted to see if there are more options and if someone can point me at 3.