Hey there!
I'm new to being a game dev. My main skill sets are in art, writing, and design (gonna drop a link to the portfolio I use to sell at conventions):
So, my game was picked up by my university club 6 months ago, and me and a VERY small team have been trying to a demo happen. The problem? It's 1) a club project, so it's not at the top of people's to-do lists, and 2) I'm not a programmer, so even if I WANTED to get stuff done with it (and I do want to get stuff done), I can't. I'm needing to rely on other people to make my game for me, and I think I'm starting to get a little over it (not knocking their effort, mind you).
The main problem, is, again: I'm not a programmer. At all. I have no experience, and though I'm making progress in learning, I'm pretty far away form the skill of others that I work with.
I'm a man on a mission to get skilled enough to work on his own darn game. The game will involve visual novel-esque dialogue, choice branches, a cutscene system reminicent of games like Gravity Rush and The World Ends with You, and of course, a tactical RPG combat system much like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem. I've always been bad at Unity (not a programmer), and while Game Maker has been giving me better luck (I can actually make something move in Game Maker), I'm worried it can't do what I need it to do. God don't get me started on making an isometric map.
So here we are. How should I approach learning how to do this so I can help my future team (I know this won't be a solo project), what tools are out there I should consider, and what engine can help me make this game happen?