2 hours ago, NikiTo said:you don't need to be good at math in order to program
As said our lector: - "Good programer it for first a excelent mathematist. And for main it so lazzy mathematist, so able to organize computations by way that make illusion that computer transforms required for specific cases formulas automaticaly, instead to code it equations manually". Also if we translate a term "software" to Russian and then literally translate it back to English it will have "Mathematical supply of elecronical computational machines".
45 minutes ago, JoeJ said:If math is so heavily used and so important in a company, they will have a mathematician aside from the programmers
But qualified programmer == mathematician. At least here. Programmer qualifictiond can be obtained together with Applicative Mathematic and CS degree only. Say more on 90-th when i study in technical university, our university has a branch of Higher Mathematic that has not been included to any faculty becouse trainers from branch make lectures for students of all faculties, but studens from Applicative Mathematic branch, that has a own lectors and assistants, becouse branch of Higher Mathematic have no trainers that has been able to make lectures to specific for programmers branches of mathematic and ever to give a calculus and linear algebra on required to programmers level. And i told not about a discrete mathematic or theory of graphs. Its branches of mathematics we has for self-education as semester-wide home work. I told about much importent branches like a numerical methods, computational geometry, theory of games, mathematical theory of descigins, semiotics, theory of algorithmical complexity and so on wtihout wich any programming is nonsence. Nowaday Applicative Mathematic branch enlarged to IT faculty and Higher Mathematic branch included to it faculty.