
Sound Engine

Started by January 24, 2000 09:13 PM
5 comments, last by King 24 years, 8 months ago
I''m looking for the Source code to an MP3 Player, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction. thanks.
ok, now don''t be shy...
check out the direct x section on

there is a direct sound engine that plays mp3s, but the actual mp3 decoding it in a dll (gaudio.dll), so if u want to know how to actually decode mp3s this might not be much help.

The Anonymous Poster was me
don''t know why it put me as Anonymous?!
You may find what you are looking for at:

They have a link to an mp3 section which contains some public domain software, some of which come with source.

Edited by - Ranok on 1/25/00 9:44:42 PM

Edited by - Ranok on 1/25/00 9:45:00 PM
you may want to check out the Golgotha source code

there should be source for mp3 decoding in there somewhere
Thanks a lot all of ya

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