I recently entered a, what I thought might be a sensible discussion, about President Trump. Sorry to say, it turned out to be an extremely liberal, stead fast, hard headed
anti - civil forum against the man. I am in support of the man, and when I expressed support I received a bunch of down marks without any reasonable reference as to why.
The left, liberal always say the want a discussion about things. Unless you agree with them, there can be no exchange of thoughts.
Part of Hillary Clinton's slogans was " LOVE TRUMPS HATE"! I have seen nothing but hate. I bunch of cry babies because they did not get their way.
I am in the middle, and lean towards fairness.
It is with much regret, That I request to be removed from this site. I just can not stand the bias of opinions. I can understand marking down someone for giving bad advice, but when stating an opposing opinion?
Where is the open mindedness?