
How Do I Quit This Site?

Started by September 08, 2018 08:13 AM
9 comments, last by frob 6 years, 2 months ago

I recently entered a, what I thought might be a sensible discussion, about President Trump.  Sorry to say, it turned out to be an extremely liberal, stead fast, hard headed

anti - civil forum against the man.  I am in support of the man, and when I expressed support I received a bunch of down marks without any reasonable reference as to why.

The left, liberal always say the want a discussion about things.  Unless you agree with them, there can be no exchange of thoughts.

Part of Hillary Clinton's slogans was " LOVE TRUMPS HATE"!  I have seen nothing but hate.  I bunch of cry babies because they did not get their way.

I am in the middle, and lean towards fairness.

It is with much regret, That I request to be removed from this site.  I just can not stand the bias of opinions.  I can understand marking down someone for giving bad advice, but when stating an opposing opinion?

Where is the open mindedness?

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Mm... you could always just stick to game dev talk rather than politics?
But if it makes you feel better Hillary Clinton supported Trump in the republican primaries. Thus by supporting Hillary Clinton they're also supporting your candidate.

Vote Green.


Even though I'm a relative newcomer here, I feel compelled to say I think this kind of toxic politics should be kept out of this site. For one it attracts people who care nothing about game development and only want to get involved in the Trump war. There are plenty of places people can argue about Trump, so I'm not sure why they should argue here and generate more bad blood.  I understand the discussion was in the lobby, however I did see all the updates roll by, although I successfully resisted the urge to get involved.

I know it's upstetting when you feel your point of view is being discounted, but I would encourage you to take a deep breath, calm down and stay involved in topics this site was intended to discuss.

If you want to quit the forum, either just stop going here, or contact an admin to block/terminateyour account. Best bet is probably by PM, or the forum.

If your concern is about uncivility, your best course of action would be to report the uncivil posts, instead of creating a new thread just to do to name-calling yourself ("bunch of cry babies").

If your concern is "the bias of opinions" -- then you're probably out of luck. Opinions are always biased, as they are subjective.

Hello to all my stalkers.

41 minutes ago, Poigahn said:

I expressed support I received a bunch of down marks without any reasonable reference as to why.

Pointing this out to a moderator will probably result in them returning the points to you. If they feel the points was unfairly given.


Here is my opinion.

Quitting a site that provides valuable insight into game development, just because you disagree with the other members is silly at best.

For teams to function they need different view points, the fact that you disagree with the people on the site is what gives you an edge. You see things differently and have different ideas to share.

53 minutes ago, Poigahn said:

I am in the middle, and lean towards fairness....I just can not stand the bias of opinions.

This confuses me. Because it seams like your reason for leaving is in fact bias. If you where in fact for fairness then you will respect that not everyone agrees with you and that they have the right not to agree with you and down vote you.


I apologize if the above sounds mean, it is not intended that way. @Poigahn I value the advice you have given and would hate to see you leave just because of a discussion.

6 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:

If you where in fact for fairness then you will respect that not everyone agrees with you and that they have the right not to agree with you and down vote you.

It is not so much the disagreement.  It is the cowardness in which they do it.  Down vote me fine.  But state as to why.  That is a discussion.  In fact, mt opinion is that this site to force a reply reason for a down vote on any topic in order to understand as to why!

Your Brain contains the Best Program Ever Written : Manage Your Data Wisely !!

4 minutes ago, Poigahn said:

Down vote me fine.  But state as to why.  That is a discussion.

Maybe the downvoters did say why in their comments? (If you want to know who downvoted i think that's possible by paid GDnet + or something.)

But just let the anger settle and don't care about it. There is no alternative to this forum. If you are pro Trump, disagreement is to be expected in a business driven by art, which is traditionally left sided. Be proud you said your opinion anyways.

I gave you an upvote to compensate and to show a left hand can still shake a right hand ;)



3 minutes ago, Poigahn said:

In fact, mt opinion is that this site to force a reply reason for a down vote on any topic in order to understand as to why!

You can't force people to say why they did things. For example, if you need to write something in a textbox, people would just type "asdf" as the reason. If there were stricter requirements, they would just type in random stuff that worked.

Down-voting someone without giving a reason is not cowardice (same as up-voting without posting anything). The voting system is in addition to the discussion (the actual replies), it is not discussion by itself.


There is also the important fact that not all opinions are equal. Some opinions are better than others, some opinions are worse than others. Note that this does not mean I have to agree with every good opinion. The people you disagree with can have good opinions.

Due to this, fairness does not mean giving equal time to all opinions.


Hello to all my stalkers.

The lounge used to be exempt from the up/down vote system. Voting on posts is useful in a technical forum where posts can be objectively right / wrong. Voting is not as useful in off-topic discussions. However, voting is there at the moment, so don't have political discussions in a place with votes if you don't want to see the results of those votes...

You can start a post in the suggestions forum if you'd like to suggest that the lounge be exempt from up/down votes again.

1 hour ago, Poigahn said:

The left, liberal always say the want a discussion about things

Here, you're saying "A generalization that I've made about 50% of the world didn't actually to a handful of specific people on an internet forum. Also, because some people said that my posts are bad, I'm going to leave this site and never return". Frankly, this is quite a silly statement. But if that's truly how you feel, then leaving the site and never returning is how you quit it. If you're really not capable of trusting yourself to not use your own account, you can report it, and ask in the report to be banned, which will lock you out of it if the moderators agree to go through with the ban.

Locking the thread to prevent a dogpile.

Repeating and expounding on something Hodgman wrote just to be clear on answering this part:

19 hours ago, Poigahn said:

I request to be removed from this site.

While we are all saddened to see anyone leave the community over a post in the Lounge that is completely unrelated to game development, that is your decision.  We have many resources for game development, and The Lounge is the part of the site with discussions on non-dev topics.  If you want to develop games and avoid those topics, I encourage you to stay with the site but ignore posts in The Lounge.

If you want to go, the easiest method is to navigate your web browser somewhere else.  If you decide to return to discuss game development, your account and your posting history will be waiting.

Occasionally users who struggle with OCD or other issues request to be banned to help make leaving easier.  If that is the case, message a moderator directly or use a report on your topic to indicate you want your account banned. 

This topic is closed to new replies.
