I am looking for HLSL shader sample on PCSS shadowing. My current implementation is quite buggy and doesn't produce a soft shadow. I really have hard time with shader programming. If someone could lead me to a working sample I could try to implement in my learning 3D engine, it would be really cool.
Here is my current shader, just for info :
// Compute PCSS shadow.
float PCSS_Shadow(float3 uvd, Texture2D shadowMap, float pixelSize, float lightSize)
// Search for blockers
float avgBlockerDepth = 0;
float blockerCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SEARCH_POISSON_COUNT; ++i)
float2 offset = SEARCH_POISSON[i];
float d4 = shadowMap.SampleLevel(PointWrapSampler, uvd.xy + offset, 0);
float4 b4 = (uvd.z <= d4) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
blockerCount += dot(b4, 1.0);
avgBlockerDepth += dot(d4, b4);
// Check if we can early out
if (blockerCount <= 0.0)
return 1.0;
else if (blockerCount == SEARCH_POISSON_COUNT)
return 0.0;
// Penumbra width calculation
avgBlockerDepth /= blockerCount;
float fRatio = 1 + (((uvd.z - avgBlockerDepth) * lightSize) / avgBlockerDepth);
fRatio *= fRatio;
// Apply the filter
float att = 0;
for (i = 0; i < PCF_POISSON_COUNT; i++)
float2 offset = fRatio * pixelSize.xx * PCF_POISSON[i];
att += shadowMap.SampleCmpLevelZero(PCFSampler, uvd.xy + offset, uvd.z);
// Devide to normalize
return att / PCF_POISSON_COUNT;
// PCSS Shadow for a spot light
float SpotShadowPCSS(float4 position, float4x4 lightViewProj, Texture2D shadowMap, float pixelSize, float lightSize)
// Transform the world position to shadow projected space
float4 posShadowMap = mul(position, lightViewProj);
// Transform the position to shadow clip space
float3 uvd = posShadowMap.xyz / posShadowMap.w;
// Convert to shadow map UV values
uvd.xy = 0.5 * uvd.xy + 0.5;
uvd.y = 1.0 - uvd.y;
return PCSS_Shadow(uvd, shadowMap, pixelSize, lightSize);