
In response to I--Shaolin's "Where is the Love"

Started by January 24, 2000 08:02 PM
5 comments, last by Spike 25 years, 1 month ago
Please note: This post is in response to I-Shalons post, called "Where is the Love???" Please read that post before you read this one. I thought that the post you made was great. I learned alot from it and am very gratful that someone like you was willing to speak up about such a topic. I am pretty much a newbie. I program 2d games using MSV++ and directx 5. I build games such as breakout and my favourite one I have written is "Tankz". I am 13 years old and since I have been 8 I have wanted to make it to the gaming industry. I had a paper round so I saved up some cash and bought myself a program called Klik & Play(by the way i am refering to when i was eight). This program allowed you to make 2d games with no programming experience at all. It was a simple 2d visual interface that you programmed in. No typing required. Even though, you could make some very fancy games with it. When I was 10 i started programming in Visual Basic. I got myself the book called "Visual Basic 5 for Windows For Dummies". I did VB for half a year before going on to learn C for Dos. I learned that with a book called "Teach Yourself C Programming in 21 days". By now I was 12 and had also read a lot more programming books. When I was 12 and a half I started learning directx with lamothes book "Windows Game Programming For Dummies".It took me a while to grasp the contents in this book, but, because of my determination to get into the gaming industry when I am older, I pushed through that and I am finding things a lot easier now. When I first started out on my endeavour to get into the gaming industry it was because that was somthing I thought would be cool to do, but as time has gone by, things have changed, I know longer care if I work for the big industry or for a little companying that does it more for the experience than the money. What I am trying to say is that now I program games because it is fun and brings joy to me as a individual. Every night after school I come home and do my homework for about an hour(i am in year 8), Then I will do a bit of exercisesing before doing about 3 hours of game programming per night. I strive to learn new things about game development every day because that is what I love to do, and there is nothing more to it. I believe I will be able to put in the commitment that I-Shalion said needs to be put in. But without the statment that I-Shaloin make I would not know with such detail what needs to be put in. Know matter what other people think, I thought that your statment was very good and should not under any circumstance be put down. Spike
~SpikeYou can contact me at

Well, from what you said, I don't think you'll have any problem at all getting into the game industry. Hell, I wish I had have started when I was eight. Just keep doing what you are now. Read as much as you can and don't neglect the more boring parts of computer science like algorithms and theory. Also, learn all the math that you can.

There's really no need to rush though. You have time to learn at your pace and as your education permits. A CS degree is starting to become a standard requirement for getting a game programming job with many companies. I'm sure this isn't news to you, just don't let college sneak up on you in a couple years. It almost happened to me. You'll want to take the ACT/SAT (or whatever you take in Australia) early so you can get into a good school (and scholarship).

As far as where to work, I have interviewed with well known companies and small developemnt houses that stay in the shadows. I finally took a job with a small company. In my opinion, it's just a better working enviornment in every aspect.

Many of the larger companies are too business oriented to be fun. Games are no different to them than office applications. With a smaller company, you tend to feel more a part of the team, and everyone there is truly a game fanatic. Oh, and as far as money goes, I ended up making more at where I am now than I would have at one of the biggest companies. (This didn't affect my decision however. I would have taken the job for a lot less).

The point of all this? Give me a minute and I'll think of one. You sound amazingly level headed to be as young as you are. I have talked to people ten years older than you who weren't near as grounded. Keep going like you are and NEVER stop trying to learn and you'll do great.

Edited by - I-Shaolin on 1/25/00 4:23:59 AM
To I-Shaolin,

Thanks for giving me a reply in such detail. I thought over what you said for quiet a while. I could understand that everything you said whould be true.

As for skipping the more boring parts like algorithms and theroy, I am always looking for info on that as well. This is because I belive a lot of game code is derived from standard algoritms and theory(especially math algorithms).

My dad used to be a bussiness app programmer and has done tertiary studies in computing. I feel that him having that experience has been very good for me. (eg. If I read something that I don''t fully understand I can ask him and he will be able to make sense of it and explain it to me in such a way that I will be able to understand.)

Anyway, I would just like to say thanks for the help. It is always helpful and encouraging to hear advice from people who have had experience and know what they are talking about.

By the way, the last message posted was by me. Sorry I just forgot to put in my user name and password. *sigh*

~SpikeYou can contact me at
By the way, the last message posted was by me. Sorry I just forgot to put in my user name and password. *sigh*

~SpikeYou can contact me at
Some1 help me in directdraw
and please teach me how to learn programming language
Right now iam 15 years old, iam new at programming!
but i have learn C/C++,pascal,VB,Html,Win32 programming
but a little bit
so i need an ADVICE from the X-pert
please post to me!!

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