
Old School VS Ray Tracing accelerated by GPU

Started by August 21, 2018 11:53 PM
32 comments, last by JoeJ 6 years ago
59 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

Here is a nice video where you can spot more bugs

Thank you very much! I love to find bugs. :D

1 hour ago, JoeJ said:

A bit blurry like my own stuff, but not bad! :)

Hurry up and prepare a demo to show! ;)

52 minutes ago, LifeIsGood said:

That's the reason why we will see hybrid renderers for the next couple of years or decades, not pure ray tracers.

That being said, it's a first step towards more sophisticated algorithms such as path tracing, which relys on the same principles. Sending out huge amounts of rays. Running a lot of intersection routines. Hardware needs to be adjusted for that, which is starting to happen now.

Hybrid is OK. I can live with it. If they don't reserve silicon for it. If all GPU manufacturers reserve silicon for it, i will just use ray triangle collision detecting for physics collisions or something.

RTX seems to over hyped or under developed, can't decide.


@NikiTo Knowing you work on CV, this is an interesting read of how 'subtile changes in GI' also matter there:

... offtopic but really astonishing :O


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